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Example workflow 1: Mitochondria segmentation using 2D DNN

Here we try automated mitochondria segmentation of a stack of EM images using a 2-dimentional deep neural network (2D DNN). The target EM stack was obtained by Kasthuri et al. ( Cell 162(3):648-61, 2015 ). The target brain region is mouse somatosensory cortex. The EM stack was originally arranged for ISBI 2013 challenge (SNEMI3D), which is open to public under Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0. The original images were passed through the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization filter (CLAHE; blocksize 127, Histogram bins 256, max slope 1.50).

Preparation of ground truth

Download "" from the link below and unzip it on your UNI-EM installed PC. It has the folders "TrainingImages" (training image) and "GroundTruth" (ground truth annotation) (Fig. 1.1). The Example2CNN also has "TestImages" (test images), "GT_annotation" (empty), and "Proofreading" (empty). Users can use the provided ground truth image (start from the next section), or draw the ground truth using Dojo as stated below.

2D DNN Training

Figure 1.1. Training EM image and mitochondria ground truth segmentation

  • Launch UNI-EM.

  • Drag and drop the "TrainingImages" and "GT_annotation" folders onto UNI-EM. Open the File dropdown menu, and confirm the opening of those two folders.

Select File → Create Dojo Folder from the dropdown menu. The dialog will appear (Fig. 1.2).

  • Set the Source Image Folder as "TrainingImages ".
  • Check the Use blank segmentation box. The section "Source Segmentation Folder" will be disabled.
  • Set the Destination Dojo Folder as "GT_annotation". Generated Dojo files will be stored in this folder.

Import a training image

Figure 1.2. Importing a training image to Dojo

  • Click the OK button. Dojo files will be generated,
  • Select Dojo →Open Dojo Folder, and select "GT_annotation". Dojo will be launched (Fig. 1.3).
  • Check the usage of Dojo by controlling the Slice bar (Fig. 1.3a) and Zoom bar (Fig. 1.3b), etc.
  • Click the Adjust button whose shape has a fused two area (Fig. 1.3c). A control panel will appear. Keep PaintID as 255, and click the color panel below. The circular cursor will appear. Its radius can be changed by pressing the [=/-] key. Paint mitochondria using this cursor (Fig. 1.3 red arrow). Press Tab key to accept the drawing, or discard it by pressing the Esc key. Users can erase mis-painting by dragging the cursor after clicking the eraser icon. Press Tab key to accept the erasure, or press Esc key to discard it.
  • Save the mitochondria painting by selecting Dojo →Save Dojo Folder.
  • Export the mitochondria painting by selecting Dojo →Export Segmentation. In the export dialog, select the file format "PNG, 8bit, Grayscale." Users can also input Filename. After pressing the OK button, users are requested to specify the saving folder. The painting segmentation image will be stored with the filename 0000.png. The painting image will be used for ground truth. Put this image in the folder "GroundTruth".

Drawing ground truth segmentation

Figure 1.3. Drawing ground truth segmentation

Training and inference

  1. Launch UNI-EM.

  2. Drag and drop the folders TrainingImages", "GroundTruth", "TestImages", "TestSegmentation", and "Proofreading" on UNI-EM. Check their successful opening from the File dropdown menu.

  3. Select "Segmentation → 2D DNN". The 2D DNN dialogue will appear (Fig. 2a).

    • Select Training tab (Fig. 2b).
    • Select Image Folder as "TrainingImages" (Fig. 2c), and Segmentation Folder as "GroundTruth" (Fig. 2d). Confirm "Checkpoint Folder" targets [UNI-EM]/data/DNN_model_tensorflow (Fig. 2e).
    • Select "resnet" from the tab menu in the middle (Fig. 2f), and set "N res blocks" as 16 (Fig. 2g). This is because Resnet is one of the best networks for mitochondria segmentation (Ref 1).
    • Users can save all the parameters by clicking "Save Parameters". The saved parameters are loaded by clicking "Load Parameters".
  4. Start Res-net training by clicking the Execute button (Fig. 2h). Users will see initial and progress messages in the console window (shown below). It takes 6-min for a desktop PC equipped with a NIVIDA GTX1070 GPU. The console window shows a message "saving model" when the training is finished. During and after the training period, users can visually inspect its progression through Tensorboad by selecting "Segmentation → Tensorboard".

        progress  epoch 49  step 1  image/sec 5.2  remaining 6 min
        discrim_loss 0.49639216
        gen_loss_GAN 0.41848987
        gen_loss_classic 0.13485438
        recording summary
        progress  epoch 99  step 1  image/sec 5.5  remaining 5 min
        discrim_loss 0.69121116
        gen_loss_GAN 0.73412275
        gen_loss_classic 0.13613938
        progress  epoch 1999  step 1  image/sec 7.3  remaining 0 min
        discrim_loss 0.715416
        gen_loss_GAN 2.1579466
        gen_loss_classic 0.04729831
        saving model
  1. Select the inference tab in the 2D DNN dialogue (Fig. 2b).

    • Select Image Folder as "TestImages", and Output Segmentation Folder as "TestSegmentation". Confirm Checkpoint Folder as [UNI-EM]/data/DNN_model_tensorflow.
  2. Start inference by clicking the "Execute" button in the Inference tab. Users will see initial and progress messages in the console window (shown below). Users will see "evaluated image 0099" when Inference is finished.

        parameter_count = 68334848
        loading all from checkpoint
        evaluated image 0000
        evaluated image 0001
        evaluated image 0002
        evaluated image 0097
        evaluated image 0098
        evaluated image 0099
  1. Confirm that the Output Segmentation Folder ( "TestSegmentation" ) contains 0000.png, 0001.png, ..., 0099.png .

2D DNN dialog for training

Figure 2. 2D DNN training dialog

Postprocessing: Binarization and 3D labeling

  1. Select Plugins → 2D/3D Filters. The 2D/3D filters dialog will appear (Fig. 3).

    • Drag and drop the Binary and 3D Label operators to the area of "Filter Application" (Fig. 3a).
    • Select Target Folder as "TestSegmentation" (Fig. 3b).
    • Select also Output Folder as "TestSegmentation" (Fig. 3c).
    • Check that the images in "Target Folder" appear in the area "Target image" (Fig. 3d). Click the "Obtain sample output" button (Fig. 3e), then see an example output after passing those two image filters (Fig. 3f).
  2. Click the Execute button, then the "binarization and 3D labeling" filters will be applied (Fig. 3g). Users will see the following progress messages, and the processed images will be stored in "Output Folder" .

	Loading images ...
	Saving images ...
	2D/3D filters were applied!

Dialog for binarization

Figure 3. 2D/3D Filters

Proofreading, annotation, and visualization

  1. Select "File →Create Dojo Folder". The dialogue will be launched.

    • Select "Source Image Folder" as "TestImages" .
    • Select "Source Segmentation Folder" as "TestSegmentation" .
    • Select "Destination Dojo Folder" as "Proofreading". Dojo style files will be generated in this folder.
  2. Generate Dojo style files by clicking the OK button.

  3. Select "Dojo →Open Dojo Folder ". Dojo will be launched (Fig. 4a).

  4. Inspect successful segmentation visually by manipulating the bottom slice bar (Fig. 4b), top Zoom bar (Fig. 4c), and top Opacity bar (Fig. 4d).

  5. Correct erroneous segmentation by entering the mode "Adjust". Click an icon whose shape has a fused two area (Fig. 4e). In the adjust mode, users can fill voids by dragging the circled cursor from a filled area. The =/- keys change its radius. Press Tab key to verify the change, or Esc key to cancel the change. Users can erase unnecessary areas by dragging the circled cursor after clicking the eraser icon (Fig. 4f).

  6. Save the segmentation after proofreading. Users can also export the segmentation by selecting "Dojo → Export Segmentation" from the UNI-EM dropdown menu. The export file style is sequential png/tiff images.

  7. Select "Annotator → Open" from the UNI-EM dropdown menu to launch the 3D Annotator. Users can visually inspect the 3D shapes of target objects, save 3D images, annotate the target objects, and locate markers (Fig. 4g). Refer 3D Annotator for detail.

Proofreader Dojo and 3D Annotator

Figure 4. Proofreader Dojo and 3D Annotator