- How to use: Folder manager
- How to use: Dojo proofreader
- How to use: 3D annotator
- How to use: 2D CNN
- How to use: 3D FFN
- How to use: 2D and 3D filters
- Example workflow1: Mitochondria segmentation using 2D CNN
- Example workflow2: Membrane segmentation using 3D FFN
Here we try automated membrane segmentation of a stack of EM images from mouse somatosensory cortex. The target EM stack was obtained by Kasthuri et al. ( Cell 162(3):648-61, 2015 ). They used an automatic tape-collecting ultra-microtome system (ATUM) for SEM imaging (ATUM/SEM). The EM stack was originally arranged for ISBI 2013 challenge (SNEMI3D), and we here reuse it. The EM images are open to public under Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0. The original images were passed through the Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization filter (CLAHE; blocksize 127, Histogram bins 256, max slope 1.50).
- https://neurodata.io/data/kasthuri15/
- https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/by/1-0/
- http://docs.neurodata.io/kasthuri2015/kasthuri15docs.html
- Download the file "ExampleFFN.zip" from the link below and unzip it on your UNI-EM installed PC. EM images for training are stored in the folder "DNN_training_images" (0000.png, ..., 0099.png; 8bit, grayscale), and ground truth segmentations are stored in the folder "DNN_ground_truth" (0000.png, ..., 0099.png; 16bit, grayscale; Fig. 1), and EM images for inference are stored in "DNN_test_images" (0000.png, ..., 0099.png; 8bit RGB that are converted to 8 bit grayscale). The software Vast lite is recommend to make such ground truth segmentation ( https://software.rc.fas.harvard.edu/lichtman/vast/ ). The folders "ffn", "DNN_model_tensorflow", and "DNN_segmentation" are empty.
- ExampleFFN.zip 154MB: https://www.dropbox.com/s/06eyzakq9o87cmk/ExampleFFN.zip?dl=0
Figure 1. Training EM image and membrane ground truth segmentation
Launch UNI-EM, and drag and drop the unzipped folders on UNI-EM. The zipped file should contain "DNN_training_images", "DNN_ground_truth", "DNN_test_images", "ffn", "DNN_model_tensorflow", and "DNN_segmentation".
Select "Segmentation → 3D FFN" from a UNI-EM dropdown menu to launch the dialogue, 3D FFN.
- Select Preprocessing tab (Fig. 2a).
- Select the folder "DNN_training_images" from the pulldown menu of "Training Image Folder." It should contain training EM images (sequentially numbered image files; 8bit grayscale/RGB and png/tif/jpg; Fig. 2b). Also select the folder "DNN_ground_truth" for "Ground Truth Folder." It should contains ground truth images (sequentially numbered image files; 8bit/16bit grayscale, png/tif; Fig. 2c). Select the folder "ffn" for "Empty folder for FFNs" (or any empty folder; Fig. 2d).
Figure 2. Preprocessing of FFN
- Start preprocessing by clicking the "Execute" button (Fig. 2f). Four intermediate files will be generated in the FFN File Folder. It takes 6-60 min, depending mainly on image volume. Users will see progress messages in the console window (shown below).
- "grayscale_maps.h5: a hdf5 file of training EM images
- "groundtruth.h5": a hdf5 file of ground truth images
- "af.h5": a intermediate file for FFN
- "tf_record_file": a intermediate file for FFN
"grayscale_maps.h5" file (training image) was generated.
"groundtruth.h5" file (ground truth) was generated.
FFN Preparation
Start compute_partitions.
I0217 21:49:47.965403 20392 compute_partitions.py:189] Done processing 2
I0217 21:49:49.039531 20392 compute_partitions.py:189] Done processing 3
I0217 21:52:07.314850 20392 compute_partitions.py:191] Nonzero values: 8875887
Start build_coordinates.
I0217 21:52:10.161867 4268 build_coordinates.py:76] Partition counts:
I0217 21:52:10.161867 4268 build_coordinates.py:78] 0: 2319505
I0217 21:52:10.162837 4268 build_coordinates.py:78] 1: 22446
I0217 21:52:10.164829 4268 build_coordinates.py:78] 13: 71675
I0217 21:52:10.164829 4268 build_coordinates.py:80] Resampling and shuffling coordinates.
I0217 21:52:38.350505 4268 build_coordinates.py:88] Saving coordinates.
FFN preparaion was finished.
Select the training tab in the FFN dialogue (Fig. 2a).
Set the parameter Max Training Steps. Tensorflow model needs to be trained over several million times, and it takes over one week for precise inference with a NVIDIA GTX1080ti-equipped PC. The training program outputs a tensorflow model every 3000 steps. Users can restart the training from the latest model even after the interruption of the training process. The training program automatically reads the latest model from the Tensorflow Model Folder. The training process ends if it reaches the Max Training Steps. Users can execute additional training by setting the larger Max Training Steps if the training appears to be insufficient.
Check "Sparse Z" if the z-pitch (nm/pixel) of the EM image is greater than the xy-pitch (nm/pixel). Here please check it because the example EM images have a 29-nm z pitch and a 3-nm xy pitch ( Cell 162(3):648-61, 2015 ). Internally, the parameters are set as :
- "depth":12,"fov_size":[33,33,33],"deltas":[8,8,8] for checked
- "depth":9,"fov_size":[33,33,17],"deltas":[8,8,4] for unchecked
Select the folder "ffn" from the pulldown menu of "FFNs folder". It should contain "grayscale_maps.h5", "groundtruth.h5", "af.h5", and "tf_record_file." They were generated in the preprocessing step.
Select the folder "DNN_model_tensorflow" for "Model Folder." It should be a empty folder or tensorflow model folder.
Start training by clicking the "Execute" button. Users will see the following progress messages in the console window:
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 9.96695
I0217 23:14:35.690611 2272 tf_logging.py:115] global_step/sec: 9.96695
INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 9.93734
I0217 23:14:45.753664 2272 tf_logging.py:115] global_step/sec: 9.93734
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 5724 into C:[UNI-EM]\data\_3DNN_model_tensorflow\model.ckpt.
I0217 23:14:48.400605 2272 tf_logging.py:115] Saving checkpoints for 5724 into C:[UNI-EM]\data\_3DNN_model_tensorflow\model.ckpt.
I0217 23:14:48.805234 2272 train.py:699]
Select the inference tab in the FFN dialogue (Fig. 2a).
- Select the folder "DNN_test_images" from the pulldown menu of "Target Image Folder." It should contains EM images for inference (sequentially numbered image files; 8bit, grayscale/RGB; png/tif/jpg).
- Select the folder "DNN_model_tensorflow" for "Model Folder" that contains Tensorflow models. The tensorflow model file consists of the three files of ”model.ckpt-XXXXX.data-00000-of-00001", "model.ckpt-XXXXX.index", and "model.ckpt-4000000.meta". UNI-EM automatically detects the folder that contains the trios of files, and uses the largest number model for inference.
- Select the folder "ffn" for "FFNs folder." Inferred segmentation will be stored in this folder.
- Check "Sparse Z" if the user check it in the process of training.
Start inference by clicking the "Execute" button. The inference program firstly generates the hdf5 style file of target EM images "grayscale_inf.h5" and the parameter file "inference_params.pbtxt" in the FFN File Folder. Then, the inference starts based on those intermediate files. Users will see progress messages in the console window (shown below). Inference is finished if the message "Executor shutdown complete" appears. Confirm that the file "0/0/seg-0_0_0.npz" has been generated in the Output Inference Folder. This is the inferred segmentation.
I0215 19:10:57.461078 15336 inference.py:554] [cl 0] Starting segmentation at (91, 489, 338) (zyx)
I0215 19:10:57.474040 15336 inference.py:554] [cl 0] Failed: weak seed
I0215 19:10:57.475013 15336 inference.py:554] [cl 0] Starting segmentation at (91, 495, 365) (zyx)
I0215 19:10:57.487977 15336 inference.py:554] [cl 0] Failed: too small: 27
I0215 19:10:57.504959 15336 inference.py:554] [cl 0] Segmentation done.
I0215 19:10:57.504959 15336 inference.py:303] Deregistering client 0
I0215 19:10:57.505930 14064 executor.py:200] client 0 terminating
I0215 19:11:00.035366 15336 executor.py:169] Requesting executor shutdown.
I0215 19:11:00.036337 14064 executor.py:191] Executor shut down requested.
I0215 19:11:00.044339 15336 executor.py:172] Executor shutdown complete.
Select the postprocessing tab in the FFN dialogue (Fig. 2a).
Select the folder "ffn" from the dropdown menu of "FFNs Folder." It should contain the inferred segmentation file "0/0/seg-0_0_0.npz."
Select the folder "DNN_segmentation" for "Output Segmentation Folder." You can select any empty folder.
Set Output Filetype. The 8-bit color PNG style is recommended for visual inspection of the png files, and the 16-bit gray scale PNG style is recommended for further proofreading, 3D visualization, and annotation.
Start postprocessing by clicking the "Execute" button. Confirm that the inferred segmentation files 0000.png, 0001.png, ..., 0099.png were generated in the Output Segmentation Folder.
Select "File → Create Dojo Folder" from the UNI-EM dropdown menu to launch the dialogue "Create Dojo Folder."
- Set "DNN_test_images" for "Source Image Folder."
- Set "DNN_segmentation" for "Source Segmentation Folder."
- Create a file folder and set it as "Destination Dojo Folder". Dojo style files will be generated in this folder. Press the OK button to strat the Dojo folder generation.
Select "Dojo → Open Dojo Folder" from the UNI-EM dropdown menu to launch the dialogue "Open Dojo Folder." Specify the Dojo style files and click the "OK" button. The software Dojo will be launched (Fig. 3a).
Inspect successful segmentation visually through manipulating the bottom slice bar (Fig. 3b), top Zoom bar (Fig. 3c), and top Opacity bar (Fig. 3d).
Correct erroneous segmentation by entering the mode "Adjust". Click an icon whose shape has a fused two area (Fig. 3e). In the adjust mode, users can fill voids by dragging the circled cursor from a filled area. The +/- keys change its radius. Press the Tab key to verify the change, or the Esc key to cancel the change. Users can erase unnecessary areas by dragging the circled cursor after clicking the eraser icon (Fig. 3f).
Save the segmentation after proofreading. Users can also export the segmentation by selecting "Dojo → Export Segmentation" from the UNI-EM dropdown menu. The export file style is sequential png/tiff images.
Select "Annotator → Open" from the UNI-EM dropdown menu to launch the 3D Annotator. Users can visually inspect the 3D shapes of target objects, save 3D images, annotate the target objects, and locate markers (Fig. 3g). Refer 3D Annotator for detail.
Figure 3. Proofreader Dojo and 3D Annotator