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Masakazu Matsumoto edited this page Jan 24, 2021 · 3 revisions

For clathrate hydrates, you can prepare the lattice with cages partially occupied by various guest molecules.

  • To make a CS1 clathrate hydrate structure of TIP4P water containing CO2 and methane (60% of small cages are filled with co2 and 40% are methane), invoke the following command:

    genice -g 12=co2*0.6+me*0.4 -g 14=co2 --water tip4p CS1 > cs1.gro

    Both tip4p, co2, and me are defined as molecules and included in GenIce as molecule plug-ins.

  • To make a CS2 clathrate hydrate structure of TIP5P water containing THF molecules in the large cage, while only one cage is filled with methane molecule, first, just run genice without guest specifications:

    genice2 CS2 > CS2.gro

    The list of cages will be output as follows:

    INFO   Hints:
    INFO     Cage types: ['12', '16']
    INFO     Cage type 12: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
    INFO     Cage type 16: {16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23}

    This indicates that there are two types of cages named 12 and 16. Fill the 16 cages with THF and put a methane molecule in the 0th cage of type 12 as follows:

    genice2 CS2 -g 16=uathf -G 0=me --water tip5p > CS2.gro

Although only a few kinds of guest molecules are preset, you can easily prepare new guest molecules as a module. Here is an example of the ethylene oxide molecule.

import numpy as np

# 3-site EO model
LOC = 0.1436 # nm
LCC = 0.1472 # nm

Y = (LOC**2 - (LCC/2)**2)**0.5

sites = np.array([[ 0.,    0., 0. ],
                  [-LCC/2, Y,  0. ],
                  [+LCC/2, Y,  0. ],])

mass = np.array([16,14,14])
# center of mass
CoM =, sites) / np.sum(mass)
sites -= CoM

atoms = ["O","C","C"]
labels = ["Oe","Ce","Ce"]
name = "EO"

Write the code in Make a folder named molecules/ in the current working directory and put it in. You can use it as a guest.

genice2 CS1 -g 12=eo -g 14=eo > CS1+eo.gro

Note: multiple occupancies are not implemented. If it is required, make a module of a virtual molecule that contains multiple molecules.


  • CO2とメタンを含むTIP4P水のCS1クラスレート水和物構造を作るには(小籠包の60%がCO2で満たされ、40%がメタン)、以下のコマンドを呼び出します。

    genice -g 12=co2*0.6+me*0.4 -g 14=co2 --water tip4p CS1 > cs1.gro

    tip4p, co2, me はいずれも分子として定義されており、分子プラグインとして GenIce に含まれています。

  • TIP5P水にTHF分子を含み、1つのケージだけメタン分子で満たされているCS2クラスレート水和物構造を作るためには、最初にゲストの指定なしでgeniceを実行します。

    genice CS2 > CS2.gro


    INFO   Hints:
    INFO     Cage types: ['12', '16']
    INFO     Cage type 12: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
    INFO     Cage type 16: {16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23}

    これは、1216という2種類のケージがあることを示している。 16のケージにTHFを充填し、以下のように12型の0番目のケージにメタン分子を入れる。

    genice CS2 -g 16=uathf -G 0=me --water tip5p > CS2.gro


(GenIce 2)

import numpy as np
import genice2.molecules

class Molecule(genice2.molecules.Molecule):
    def __init__(self):
        # United-atom EO model with a dummy site
        LOC = 0.1436 # nm
        LCC = 0.1472 # nm

        Y = (LOC**2 - (LCC/2)**2)**0.5

        self.sites = np.array([[ 0.,    0., 0. ],
                               [-LCC/2, Y,  0. ],
                               [+LCC/2, Y,  0. ],])

        mass = np.array([16,14,14])
        # center of mass
        CoM = mass @ self.sites / np.sum(mass)
        self.sites -= CoM

        self.atoms_  = ["O","C","C"]
        self.labels_ = ["Oe","Ce","Ce"]
        self.name_   = "EO"

(GenIce 1)

import numpy as np

# 3-site EO model
LOC = 0.1436 # nm
LCC = 0.1472 # nm

Y = (LOC**2 - (LCC/2)**2)**0.5

sites = np.array([[ 0.,    0., 0. ],
                  [-LCC/2, Y,  0. ],
                  [+LCC/2, Y,  0. ],])

mass = np.array([16,14,14])
# center of mass
CoM =, sites) / np.sum(mass)
sites -= CoM

atoms = ["O","C","C"]
labels = ["Oe","Ce","Ce"]
name = "EO"

eo.pyにコードを書き、現在の作業ディレクトリに molecules/ という名前のフォルダを作って、その中に入れます。これをゲストとして使うことができます。

genice CS1 -g 12=eo -g 14=eo > CS1+eo.gro

注意: 複数占有は実装されていません。必要な場合は、複数の分子を含む仮想分子のモジュールを作成してください。

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