Releases: ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS
Pre Release Candidate Build
Latest Version set to 1704141
Pre Release Build 1.3.1
[ALL] Updated version to clusterbuild 1.68.141205 - Public Stable Hotfix
[SYS DATA] Set default to fail with more grace in case wrong settings are used
[VARIOUS] Added option to SYS DATA to persist mission state locally to profileNamespace, which enables persistence for SP, hosted and dedicated server. Integrates with current ALiVE interface and uses already given module-export-data. Does not use @ALiVEServer and therefore does not support webservices (for statistics, AAR, perf monitoring etc. use the proper CouchDB way). Select "ProfileNamespace" on the ALiVE Database module and make sure you have persistence enabled on the other modules, which you want to persist! WARNING: Experimental! Back up your current user and/or server profile folder or define a new one in your startup params! Additional functions: call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceClear in debug >>> will wipe the current mission data (or rename the mission)! call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceWipe will delete all ALiVE related data from profileNamespace (ergo: delete all missions).
[SYS PROFILE] Fix issue where slingLoad variables where not existing after load from DB, leading to corrupted profiles
[SYS PROFILE] Improvements to spawning speed especially avoiding using ALiVE_SectorGrid for realtime operations! Fixed situation in profileSimulation where _leader could be not existing, leading to broken profiles. Fixed issue with boatz where _boat could be not existing.
[INDEX] Diyala 1.3 Thanks to HeroesandvillainsOS!
[SYS LOGISTICS] Added POC of persisting SYS LOGISTICS to ProfileNameSpace in SP and dedicated server without database (save Data with call ALiVE_fnc_LogisticsSaveDataPNS manually)
[MIL OPCOM] Fixed issue where the current opcom instance could have not been selected,
[SUP_COMMAND] Remove list onSelChanged actions when showing color keys
[X LIB] Added data functions to save / load mission data to / from profileNamespace to persist data without database
_saved = ["urID",_urData] call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceSave;
_urData = "urID" call ProfileNameSpaceLoad;
clear all current mission data
call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceClear
wipe all ALiVE Data from ProfileNameSpace
call ALiVE_fnc_ProfileNameSpaceWipe
Pre Release Candidate Build
Latest Version set to 1703301
Pre Release Build 1.3.0
[ALL] Updated version to clusterbuild 1.68.141112 - Public Stable Hotfix
[INDEX] FSF Adiyaman. Thanks to Vegas!
[MIL CQB] Adjustments to CQB for customizable smoothSpawn change
[SYS PROFILE] [AMB CIV POP] Implemented option to vary the smooth spawn speed to allow quicker spawns with x64 and jets DLC
[X LIB] Missed config entry for ALiVE_fnc_arrayFrameSplitter
[MIL CQB] Applied ArrayFrameSplitter to CQB to quicken up the CQB loop, improve debug and free up the scheduler
[MIL C2ISTAR] Applied ArrayFrameSplitter to TRACE system to quicken up the grid update
[X LIB] Added ALiVE_fnc_arrayFrameSplitter: Splits execution of code in given amount of array blocks and executes each block in unscheduled! f.e. [{_Code},[array with 3000 entries], 30] will split up the arrays to 30 parts á 100 entries. The code will be executed in one frame each making it about 30 frames to finish the loop, which prevents the game from locking up on big data.
[sup_command] Fix issue where intel menu did not open if MapBag01 model was selected
Release Build
Latest Version set to 1703191
Release Build 1.3.0
[ALL] Updated version to clusterbuild 1.68.140908 - Public Stable
[INDEX] Kidal - A lot of RAM needed! It's indexed but ArmA CTD's with out of mem if you try to run it with ALiVE (x64 with 16Gb RAM and extended page size on)
[CIV POP] Make arrested civilians not despawn to allow for putting them to a prison
[CIV POP] Added "Detain" action to civilian actions and changed "Arrest" action to make arrested units stay in their spot and be excluded from simulation. With "Release" the unit is put back to simulation (fix #293)
[INDEX] Re-index GOS Kalu Khan v2.1. Fixed HQ location and Civ spawns.
[X LIB] Fix units in garrison "dancing" when setUnitPos "UP" is set, pathfinding is disabled and they come under fire (fix #307)
[SUP COMBATSUPPORT] Stabilized fnc_setGroupID to not fail in stupid inputs
[SUP_PLAYER_RESUPPLY] Forcepool now shows properly in tablet in MP
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Change unit init code to only run if unit is local (not server only)
[SYS PROFILE] Changed storing of boat data to not disrupt persistence
[INDEX] Re-index Lingor v3.8
[INDEX] Bin Song Tanh. Apex version indexed by HeroesandvillansOS
[VARIOUS] More readable tablet map (#305). Update common.hpp for each module. Thanks Taro8!
[SUP_COMMAND] Add colorkey to intel commander objectives and unit marking
[SUP_COMMAND] Optimize and reduce network footprint
[VARIOUS] Fix issue where alternate tablet models displayed no controls
[SUP_COMMAND] Add option to toggle busy setting on profiles
[INDEX] Splits all map data into separate index files (#301)
[INDEX] Composition env setting phase1 (#300)
[INDEX] Re-index Panthera 3.7. Thanks to Vegas and the team!
[MIL_C2ISTAR] Add mapbag paa file
[VARIOUS] Allow customization of ALiVE tablet model
[MAIN] Set initialization behind loading screen on all localities to improve init time (fixes regression of long init on server)
[MIL PLACEMENT] Improved compatibility for built in map-objects that miss config entries when creating helicopter assets (fix #289)
[MIL OPCOM] Improved filtering method when composing a section, speeding it up and avoiding OPCOM stopping assigning objectives too early
[MIL OPCOM] Do not assign objectives to tanks and other vehicles that would have to cross a water barrier
[SYS PROFILE] Unscheduled virtual combat to improve profile simulation speed by 3 times!
[MIL_IED] Make ALiVE IEDs visible for ACE3 minedetector
[SYS PROFILE] Improved situation where boatz could have been stuck and entity wouldn't move on
[X LIB] Increased sample size to avoid false positives in findNearestShore
[INDEX] Re-index Isla Duala v3.88. Thanks to HeroesandvillainsOS!
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Make ALiVE great again
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Add StaticData export option for groups
[MAIN] Change "GUER" to "INDEP" for some factions
[SYS PROFILE] Improved code with newly added functions. Added If a spawned group would swim over sea a boat of that faction and size is added (optionally if experimental boatz is switched on)
[X LIB] Added ALiVE_fnc_crossesSea and ALiVE_fnc_findNearestShore
[SYS PROFILE] Added optional orderGetIn option to ALiVE_fnc_profileVehicleAssignmentsToVehicleAssignments so mounting vehicles is done correctly when spawned (default off).
[SYS PROFILE] Operation "insertWaypoint" didn't set the given waypoint as current waypoint, which messed up waypoint order
Pre Release Build
Latest Version set to 1702201
Pre Release Build 1.3.0
[ALL] Updated version to
[X LIB] Fixed group was re-mounting a vehicle after vehicleDismount was called
[SYS PROFILE] Fixed vehicle being placed in direction 90 deg to road
[SYS GC] Fixed situation where null-objects were not deleted by Garbage Collector
[SYS PROFILE] Added sea transport simulation for profile entities (optional, default off). Provides an appropriate boat of size and faction for infantry groups crossing water
[MAIN] Fix ALiVE loading screen not being activated before mission start
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fix issue where new vehicles from copied factions did not have OC_import02 appended to their parent class
[SYS_PROFILE] Fix hitpoints not detected for some RHS vehicles #286 (#287). Some RHS vehicles were not returning any hitpoints for use when calculating virtualised damage. [(configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehicleClass >> "HitPoints"),0] call BIS_fnc_returnChildren;
[CIV PLACEMENT] Fixed roadblocks not being created on some maps because the selected position was a trail instead of a road. Fixed wrong filter method where the _foreachIndex could not keep up due to items in the array being deleted.
[MIL CQB] Optimized generic positioning of static weapons, added more static weapon types, improved house patrol to (re-)mount nearby static weapons.
[X LIB] Make units on garrison not leave their position while still maintaining their awareness of enemies
[MIL CQB] Added static weapons on top of buildings. Set module option "static weapons" to a value you like. enter 0.5 to have a 50% chance of one static weapon to be deployed on a CQB building that has a walkable roof. Enter 1 and this makes every building with a walkable roof carry one static weapon. Enter 2 or above to make every walkable roof carry the number of static weapons you entered.
[SUP CAS] Fixed planes sometimes not taking off because being blocked by an invisible helipad
Pre Release Build
Latest Version set to 1702101
Pre Release Build 1.3.0
[ALL] Updated version to
[MIL OPCOM] Implemented workaround for CBATeam/CBA_A3#584, (asymmetric objectives being moved to weird positions). Fixed recruits being created over water.
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fixed bad CfgGroups output for civilian factions (fix #285)
[INDEX] Re-index Clafghan
[AMB CIVS] Improved units not returning and being stuck when joining a gathering! Fixed situation where a civilian could be called to a meeting and a gathering at the same time preventing the calling unit to be stuck! Added disableAI autotarget and autocombat on the civilian units. Added current civlian action to debug markers for testing purposes.
[AMV CIV COMMAND] Added function name to header
[AMB CIV POP] Added replacement code for #277 revert. Removed superfluous CARELESS command Added function name to header.
[AMB CIV COMMANDS] Removing ALIVE_currentEnvironment GVAR as it is often referenced and out of date. Replacing with function call.
[MIL MP] Avoid race condition when ALiVE_groupConfig is created but data has not fully loaded that could lead to no profiles being generated for a faction
[AMB CIV POP] Revert to former civilian spawning behaviour until a solution for single group grouping behaviour is found (fix #277). Balance amount of spawned ambient vehicles. Improve driving behaviour.
[FNC STRATEGIC] Improved ALiVE_fnc_getParkingPosition to not select parking positions in buildings or too close to walls and other objects to minimize changes of explosions
[C2ISTAR] Fix broken tasks on maps with bad index (fix #280)
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Add support for lego people
[MIL C2ISTAR] Give the mission maker an opportunity to disable generated and/or autogenerated tasking. Easy enough - put in init.sqf: ["generated","autogenerated"] call ALiVE_fnc_TaskDisable
[X LIB] placed trace to narrow down script errors on clafghan
[SUP COMBATSUPPORT] Fixed CAS did not accept any orders after ordering RTB and did not finish properly when it was killed on way home.
[VARIOUS] Fix for objective-type CIV / MIL not being persisted correctly and converted wrong. (fix #272)
[SYS_DATA] Fix issue where script could error if no roadblock data
Release Build
Latest Version set to 1701291
Release Build 1.2.9
[ALL] Updated version to
[SYS_STATISTICS] Updated statistics init so to avoid race condition with setting of public variables over the network
[SYS_DATA] Missing update in release
[SYS LOGISTICS] Do not save to sys logistics store if inventoryClosed fires on a unit (fix #270)
[SYS_DATA] Fix error handling issue.
[MAIN] Remove waitUntil from isModuleInitialised
Release Build
Latest Version set to 1701251
Release Build 1.2.9
[ALL] Updated version to
[ALiVEPlugIn] Aliveplugin calling invalid config location #264
[SYS STATISTICS] Fixed race condition in sys stats where sys stats was broken for players (very visible on start of a freshly started server; fix #265)
[SYS_DATA] Fix issue where mission is stuck on loading screen if corrupt array data.
[SYS_PROFILE] Fixed incorrect initialization of combatrate variable in profile
[INDEX] Updated Object Blacklist
Release Build
- Latest Version set to 1701221
- Release Build 1.2.9
[ALL] Updated version to
[C2ISTAR] Missed to re-enable HVT insertion and extraction (only static was enabled for testing)
[X_LIB] Fixed regression in fnc_getCompositions that caused infinite loading screen and prevented use of compositions on APEX maps if optional APEX compositions pbo was not loaded
[X_LIB] Update fnc_getCompositions.sqf
Update alive_object_blacklist.txt (#258)
[C2ISTAR] Improved scenery of Task Assassination in case "static" (ambient objects were sometimes flipping or dropping to floor, HVTs were moving away from the ambient objects).
[C2ISTAR] Fix script error on task "destroy vehicles" if no vehicle profile of selected faction is existing (fix #253)
[VARIOUS] Fix unprivatized variables
[INDEX] Re-index Koplic 0.4
[X_LIB] Private variables for getCompositions, for Spyder. Fix infinite loop on incorrect params.
[SYS_DATA] Improve error messages
[SYS_DATA] Fix issue where sys_data_auto did not init data and stats correctly, fix issue where vehicle data could overwrite inf data in AAR
[X_LIB] Fix unprivatized variables
[SYS_PROFILE] Add virtual combat speed modifier variable to module options
[SYS_PROFILE] Remove remaining battle code, reduce combat related function calls
[C2ISTAR] Fixed Insertion helicopter was hovering on spot and not returning in some tasks! Improved scene creation in HVT task (e.g. furniture and HVT being placed away from main composition)
[MIL_LOGISTICS] Fixed script error on slingloadmax where value not defined
[SYS_DATA] Fix issue where AAR stops when auto started
[AMB_CIV] #205 Single group maintained for all ambient civilians
[AMB_CIV] #205 Simplified ambient vehicles chance algo
[SYS_PROFILE] Increase profile attack distance, reduce profile combat rate, remove legacy battle code
[SYS_PROFILE] Fix issue where the profile simulator could freeze
[SYS_PROFILE] Improve variable scoping
[SYS_AISKILL] Fix missing fleeing value in generic skill sets
Release Build
- Latest Version set to 1701171
- Release Build 1.2.8
[ALL] Updated version to
[SYS_MARKER] fixed #245 Civ Marker script error
[SUP_COMBATSUPPORT] fix issue #243 talk to pilot
[SYS_PROFILE] Improve variable scoping and minor optimizations to fnc_profileSimulator (round 1)
[SYS_DATA] Update fnc_DataInit.sqf
[Indexing] Re-index N'Ziwasogo 0.97
[MIL_C2ISTAR] removed rogue diag
[mil_C2ISTAR] Fix issue #142 Child Tasks not mirroring Parent State. Child Tasks now mirror parent state, also implemented if Parent Task is deleted so is child task
[AMB_CIV_POPULATION] Fix module check var name
[SYS_MARKERS] More fixes for JIP markers and reports
[SYS_MARKER] Fix issue where JIP does get persistent markers restored.
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Fix state operation working under the debug variable
[SYS_LOGISTICS] Added Non_Strategic class to logistics canCarry, allowing people to carry various items. Ability to add any class by setting alive_sys_logistics setVariable ["WHITELIST",["YOUCLASSHERE"]]. Fixes #34
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Add visual feedback for dragging asset list-->group unit list
[SYS_LOGISTICS] Fixes issue where carryable objects did not honour height of placement
[SYS_ORBATCREATOR] Improve list dragging, units can now be dragged out of the selected group to remove them
[AMB CIVS] #205 Tested on Stratis Agia Marina. Extreme ~84 units. High ~30. Med ~ 21. Low ~ 10
[MIL_OPCOM] Fix error where TACOM was trying to give orders to null profiles
[SYS_DATA] Fix issue with incorrect typeName
[C2ISTAR] Task CSAR: Fixed no composition was placed at destination location and script error was thrown (fix #242). Fix Rescue option wasn't shown in SP (fix #241)
[CIV_PLACEMENT] Fixed issue where vanilla OPF_G_F were spawned on roadblocks if no dominant faction was found. Fixes #193
[C2ISTAR] Hostage Rescue: Fixed rescue action not showing in SP and editor preview (fix #240). Fixed hostage not getting out of ambient animation (fix #194).
[SYS_DATA] Improve tracking of player units for AAR
[AMB CIVS] Fixed script error when ambient music was generated (fix #238)
[SYS_DATA] Fix data issue where server authorization was incorrectly processed
[SYS_DATA] fix typo on ALiVE_fnc_dump
[MIL_PLACEMENT_CUSTOM] Fix issue where custom objectives have debug enabled by default regardless. Fixes #236
[CIV_PLACEMENT] Fixed civlian military placement module randomly didn't place units even when correctly configured factions were used. (fix #237)
[MIL OPCOM] Only set up roadblocks until a maximum limit of roadblocks for the location size is reached (possible fix #234)
[ORBATCREATOR] Fix default misc identity datatype was string instead of array
Release Build
Latest Version set to 1701061
Release Build 1.2.7
Note: Build includes new x32/x64 ALiVEPlugIns
[ALL] Updated version to
[SYS_WEATHER] Fixed undefined global variable
[SYS_DATA] Updated getServerTime function header
[SYS_WEATHER] Added option to override weather based on game time with weather based on real time. Still WIP
[SYS_DATA] Updated ALiVE_fnc_getServerTime, if a param is passed (i.e. [true ] call ALiVE_fnc_getServerTime) then it will return local server time rather than UTC
[SYS_DATA] Added information to help address any public server IP issues
[SYS_WEATHER] Fixed issue where scripts did not fail gracefully if real weather could not be loaded.
[SYS_DATA] Removed script error when failing to connect properly to web services.
[SYS_WEATHER] Fixed issue where conditions were not processed properly. added checks for rain and lightning