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deby edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 25 revisions


Tweets guidelines

  • Always include a link to our website (to relevant card/event/activity/...)
  • Grammar check and spell-check every single thing you post
  • Use plenty of emojis: ⏰ for countdown, 🎉 for celebrations, ✨ for anything shiny (idols are cute), 💖 for love gems, 🎟 for scouting tickets, → to emphasize links, 🎀 or 👗 for cute dresses, 👘 for traditional outfits, 🏆 for contests, 🙇 to apologize, 💸 for affiliate links, and more - I usually look at the picture I'm about to send and search for emojis based on that.
  • Make sure you include the hashtags #LLSIF, #LoveLive and #スクフェス when appropriate
  • Always post happy, optimistic messages. Nothing negative or aggressive. Avoid sarcasm at all cost since most of our users are not native speakers.
  • When something is only valid for a certain version of the game, start your tweet with either the Japanese flag 🇯🇵 (JP version), Worldmap 🗺️ (EN version), or Taiwanese flag 🇹🇼 (TW version).
  • Try to post tweets with images most of the time (less than 1/10 tweet should be without images, not including replies)
  • The image should always look professional:
    • if it's a screenshot, make sure you crop it to show only what matters
    • you can make your own graphic edit to emphasize your message: example, example
  • The sooner you tweet about new stuff the better. Most of our new visitors, and therefore the growth of our website, come from announcement tweets!
    • In other words, if something gets announced at 3:00pm, your goal is to tweet about it before 3:01pm 😉
    • PMs to the account often ask FAQ style questions, many of which can be answered by referring them to entries in this Wiki (e.g. How to contact KLab?, How to get a verified account?, etc.). See this page's sidebar for list of topics addressed.


  • Post 1-3 tweets every day:

    • news about the game (JP or EN) example example
    • new playable songs in game (new release or Expert available) example
    • Clean UR pairs example
    • LL community news example
    • reminders at the middle and before the end of events example
    • reminders throughout and before the end of the School Idol Tomodachi Special Contest example
    • reminders to enter event participations at the end of events example
    • release of singles, special IRL events, birthdays of seiyuus example
    • tips to improve your experience with School Idol Tomodachi example
    • tips on how to play LLSIF
    • links to interesting activities example
    • results of the special contests example
  • Retweet sometimes:

  • Read the LLSIF subreddit, Facebook group, SIF Facebook Page, Tumblr LLSIF hashtag, in game news and School Idol Tomodachi activities every single day to never miss anything

  • In game announcements are also available online, making for easy access to official images. JP version, WW version

  • Follow a bunch of official accounts on Twitter: Bushiroad, Bushiroad Global, Klab games, LoveLive Staff, LoveLive SIF

  • Stalk the #LLSIF and #LoveLive hashtags, and "School Idol Tomodachi" "schoolidolu" and "school idol tomo" keywords in Tweetdeck

    • Reply to all questions related to School Idol Tomodachi (addressed to @schoolidolu or not)
    • Reply to questions related to LLSIF (only when addressed to @schoolidolu directly)
    • Reply, comment, say something nice to random people who talk about School Idol Tomodachi
    • Do not ignore messages not in English, just use Google Translate and reply in English (or their language if you know it)

How to configure Tweetdeck

Delete all the default columns before adding the following columns.

Add the following columns:

  1. Search for schoolidol OR OR idol tomodachi OR sukutomo (will match, schoolidolu, school idol tomodachi, etc - as well as all our mentions)
  2. List LLSIF (contains most popular LLSIF accounts, helps following news)
  3. Search for what's hot with the hashtag #LLSIF
  4. Direct Messages to @schoolidolu

How to never miss any announcement

This guide will help you set up a bunch of notifications on your phone. It takes some time to set it up, but don't worry, you'll only have to do it once.

Install IFTTT on the phone in which you have both versions of LoveLive!:

We will then create a lot of applets that will allow you to make sure you never miss anything.

For each applet, you'll need a this and a that. For the that, I use and recommend "Notification". It'll send you a notification on your phone, it's that simple. If you're not the kind of person that reads your notification, then try to find another that, such as getting an email or SMS.

Note about the games notices

You may check for in-game notices here:

I still recommend you to have the app installed to check the other things that don't show up in notices.

I also recommend to use the images from this site when possible since they're the original assets so in higher quality than when we take screenshots.

English version: Midnight

  • Date and Time
  • ⚠️ Make sure you use the timezone "UTC"
  • "Every day at"
  • Time "12 AM 00"
  • Notifications
  • Content: It's {{CheckTime}} in LLSIF EN! Open the game to check for news, login bonuses, ten fes comics, sticker shop updates and b-side songs and tweet about what you found!

English version: 8am

  • Date and Time
  • ⚠️ Make sure you use the timezone "UTC"
  • "Every day at"
  • Time "08 AM 00"
  • Notifications
  • Content: It's {{CheckTime}} in LLSIF EN! Open the game to check if the next EN event has been announced and tweet about it. It's also the time when an event can end.

English version: 9am

  • Date and Time
  • ⚠️ Make sure you use the timezone "UTC"
  • "Every day at"
  • Time "09 AM 00"
  • Notifications
  • Content: It's {{CheckTime}} in LLSIF EN! Open the game to check for new cards! May happen in the middle of events (μ's) or after the maintenance post-event (Aqours). Tweet about the new cards~

Japanese version: Midnight

  • Date and Time
  • ⚠️ Make sure you use the timezone "UTC"
  • "Every day at"
  • Time "03 PM 00" (corresponds to midnight Japan time)
  • Notifications
  • Content: It's midnight in LLSIF JP! Open the game to check for news, login bonuses, ten fes comics, sticker shop updates and b-side songs and tweet about what you found!

Japanese version: 3pm

  • Date and Time
  • ⚠️ Make sure you use the timezone "UTC"
  • "Every day at"
  • Time "06 AM 00" (corresponds to 3pm Japan time)
  • Notifications
  • Content: It's 3pm in LLSIF JP! Open the game to check if the next JP event has been announced and tweet about it. It's also the time when an event can end.

Japanese version: 4pm

  • Date and Time
  • ⚠️ Make sure you use the timezone "UTC"
  • "Every day at"
  • Time "07 AM 00" (corresponds to 7am Japan time)
  • Notifications
  • Content: It's 4pm in LLSIF JP! Open the game to check for new cards! May happen in the middle of events (μ's) or after the maintenance post-event (Aqours). Tweet about the new cards~

Never miss an announcement on Reddit

You'll get notified every time someone posts something tagged "Information" on the SchoolIdolFestival sub-reddit.

  • Reddit
  • "New post from search"
  • Search for subreddit:SchoolIdolFestival Information
  • Notifications
  • Content: {{Title}} - {{Content}}

At this point, this is how your IFTTT should look like:

Never miss an announcement on Twitter

IFTTT doesn't really help here, unfortunately, but it's fine because Twitter already has what we need :)

Install Twitter on your phone:

Preferably on a desktop, open tweetdeck, on the left side bar go to "Accounts" (the icon should look like 👥), click the account for School Idol Tomodachi then click "Lists". Find the list called "Notifications". Click "Edit" on the top right corner. You'll see a list of Twitter accounts.

Back to your phone, open the Twitter app and search for the usernames in this list. Click "Follow" then you should see an icon with a bell and a +. Click that to get a notification on your phone whenever this account tweets.

Tools for efficient tweeting

I'll write this guide later, I have a cold and I need to sleep ^^'

Here's a small summary:

  • have a shortcut to tweetdeck on your phone's home screen
  • have a table with timezones converted between UTC / Japan time and your time zone for all the times when something happens or when we schedule tweets (includes contests and 6h before something)
  • have a screenshot tool on desktop
  • take screenshots in advance for cards in EN (we already have them in JP)
  • use the chrome console to edit the school idol tomodachi pages without editing the site (for share your event ranking screenshot or cards not yet in EN)
  • install Photogrid on your phone to make quick montages when you don't have access to a computer
  • as soon as an event / contest gets announced, schedule the tweets so you don't have to worry about them later
  • use a phone keyboard that has an history of your last used emojis so you don't spend too much time searching for the emojis we use all the time on tweets
  • if your native photo editing app is slow, consider installing another one to crop things when needed. also note that you can crop photos directly within the twitter app, if that's the only thing you need to do.



  • Post 1-3 tumblr posts every day, following the Tweets on @schoolidolu:
  • news about the game (JP or EN) example example
  • new playable songs in game (new release or Expert available) example
  • Clean UR pairs example
  • LL community news example
  • reminders at the middle and before the end of events example
  • reminders throughout and before the end of the School Idol Tomodachi Special Contest example
  • reminders to enter event participations at the end of events example
  • release of singles, special IRL events, birthdays of seiyuus example
  • tips to improve your experience with School Idol Tomodachi example
  • tips on how to play LLSIF
  • links to interesting activities example
  • results of the special contests example

--> Copy-paste and the tweets + write your own content if you want

Communication style

  • Grammar check and spell-check every single thing you post
  • Make sure you include the hashtags School Idol Tomodachi, sukutomo, School Idol Contest, School Idol Festival, LLSIF, LoveLive, スクフェス and the name of the girls when appropriate
  • Link to our website whenever you can
  • Always post happy, optimistic messages. Nothing negative or aggressive. Avoid sarcasm at all cost since most of our users are not native speakers.
  • When something is only valid for a certain version of the game, start your post with either "Japanese version:" or "English version:"
  • Try to post images posts most of the time (less than 3/10 posts should be without images, including replies)

school idol tomodachi

List of features

School Idol Tomodachi Cards

School Idol Tomodachi Profile

School Idol Tomodachi Activities

School Idol Tomodachi Events

School Idol Festival, the game

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