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Raulfin edited this page Jan 2, 2015 · 4 revisions

Translation Table
This file defined the text that Patchus Maximus outputs for things such as item names and descriptions. It's important for translators mainly.


--> This is the default language's languageID the patcher will fall back to if a string is not available
in the language specified in GeneralSettings.xml. I suggest not to touch this.


--> A language consists of
---- languageID: Should be unique among all languages. Exactly one per language.
---- Many "stringBinding" entries

Each stringBinding says: "If the patcher wants to write [identifier], let him write [outputString]".
Since I wrote everything with the English version in mind, all entries are equal for this particular language.
For all other languages, outputString is identifier - but translated.

To translate this to language x...

- copy-paste the whole language element with languageID ENGLISH somewhere else
- replace languageID's content with something new and unique
- for all stringBinding elements, take identifier, translate it and write the result to outputString

The file is encoded in UTF-8 without BOM; Java might or might not be able to handle special characters.
Avoid them if possible.