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Raulfin edited this page Jan 2, 2015 · 2 revisions

PaMa distributes all mod-added spell tomes and weapons on specific places. This file is used to block this function if needed.

		<distribution_exclusion_spell>Undistributable Spell</distribution_exclusion_spell>
		<distribution_exclusion_book>Power of the Elements</distribution_exclusion_book>


---> This block deals with spell tomes.

distribution_exclusion_spell excludes tomes whose spell's name exactly matches the provided string.
distribution_exclusion_book excludes any spell tome whose name contains the provided string.

The values in distribution_exclusions_list exclude certain leveled lists from being touched. Since lists
have no displayed names, it works based on editor ids. Don't bother if you're not a modder.


		<distribution_exclusion_weapon_name>Glass Bow of the Stag Prince [Shortbow]</distribution_exclusion_weapon_name>
		<distribution_exclusion_weapon_name>Shiv [Dagger]</distribution_exclusion_weapon_name>



---> This block deals with weapon distribution.

distribution_exclusion_weapon_name excludes weapons whose name exactly matches the provided string.

Just as above, distribution_exclusions_list excludes certain leveled lists from being touched.WIP