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House Ranking System Abbreviations

snotlingorc edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 1 revision

House Ranking System

Mvp Most Valuable Player
cp Completions
td Touch Downs
intcpt Interceptions
bh Badly Hurt
si Serious Injury
ki Kills
cas sum of PLAYER cas
tdcas "td" + "cas"
tcasf Total TEAM cas by this team
tcasa Total TEAM cas against this team
tcdiff Equals to the arithmetic value of "tcasf" - "tcasa"
gf Total score made by this team
ga Total score made against this team
sdiff Equals to the arithmetic value of "gf" - "ga"
played Games played
won Games won
lost Games lost
draw Games drawn
win_pct Win percentage
elo Elo Ranking
smp Sportsmanship points
pts Points