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Player and Leader Standing Abbreviations

snotlingorc edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 1 revision

Player and Leader Standings

mvp MVP
cp CP
td TD
intcpt INT
bh Bh
ki Ki
si Si
cas CAS
tdcas Numeric value of "td+cas"
spp SPP
won Won matches
lost Lost matches
draw Draw matches
played Played matches
win_pct Win percentages -- NOTE: this field can only be used for tournament standings
ga Goals (TD) scored against player's team
gf Goals (TD) scored by player's team
sdiff Goals (TD) scored difference
name Player name
nr Player number
date_bought Date player was bought
date_sold Date player was sold (if sold)
ma MA
st ST
ag AG
av AV
ach_ma Achieved MA
ach_st Achieved ST
ach_ag Achieved AG
ach_av Achieved AV
inj_ma Injured MA
inj_st Injured ST
inj_ag Injured AG
inj_av Injured AV
inj_ni Injured Ni
extra_spp Added extra SPP
extra_val Added extra Value
f_tname Name of owning team
f_rname Name of race
f_cname Name of owning coach
f_pos_name Name of player position
value Player Value
status Player status
date_died Date played dies (if dead)
player_id MySQL ID of player
owned_by_team_id MySQL ID of owning team