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Adrien Gallou edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 1 revision


TODO : complete it

What’s the name of this project?

At the moment, « mageia-app-db », but we can try find a better name when it’ll be in production, because “database” is not the best term for an application which targets end-users.

Why a dedicated application and not just use bugzilla?

  • Far simpler to use UI than bugzilla for users.
  • Bugs still go to bugzilla.
  • user front-end can be translated (if requesting a backport is as simple as choosing the package name and version)
  • we define what the database contains, so we can add whatever useful information we need about packages (for users, testers and/or packagers)
  • if packagers really really need bugzilla tickets to work, there may be a way to create them automatically from the new app
  • packagers can learn to use a new app for backport requests and new package requests. Yes they can :)

Couldn’t you contribute to Sophie rather than starting new project ?

Sophie is not only a database of Mandriva RPM packages, but a database of RPM-based linux distributions’ RPMs.
Sophie regroups is :

  • scripts that update a huge RPM database
  • the database in itself
  • an IRC bot which answers to your queries on IRC
  • a web site (

Olivier Thauvin started to rewrite sophie so that it can provide package informations to other websites or applications. Mageia-app-db will probably get information from sophie’s database via XML-RPC or any other means.

Couldn’t you join forces with the project ?

doc4 is an interesting project, but it’s led by Mandriva employees and they didn’t ask for help on this experimental project, and until recently we thought the project was dead. We’re not against some form of collaboration but we don’t see how it could take place for now. Both projects goals are not totally identical, or at least mageia-app-db’s goals are clear whereas doc4’s goal are not totally clear to us. I (Stormi) remember hoping that doc4 would be the package database I dreamed of, but then the project didn’t communicate much nor show new progress. However, there may be means to collaborate, we’ll see in time.