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Meeting_2011 04 15
Adrien Gallou edited this page Aug 25, 2014
1 revision
- version 0.2
- mails sent to mailing lists and Mageia and Mandriva forums
- decision to communicate via linuxfr.org. ttp and Stormi will write the text (http://piratepad.net/3r9KbXXmbS)
- ennael asked to consider installing a production instance on mageia servers. Contact taken with the sysadmins. Need to work on RPM packaging of mageia-app-db (ttp’s priority for now).
- we will create a maintenance branch for version 0.2 to bring bugfixes and packaging improvements (stormi)
- Work done this week
- release of version 0.2 last sunday
- stormi : contact taken with the man behind screenshots.debian.net 1 to consider making it multi-distro. We are authorized to use the screenshots in mageia-app-db. If the load on the server becomes important, we will have to use a proxy, but that’s not needed for now. I also started to think about integration of debtags 2 and use of distromatch 3.
- Next milestone : version 0.3
- new release date : 25th of May (more realistic)
- complete the specifications : Stormi will send a mail to the ML about it to list the subjects that need to be specified, in case someone wants to help.
- user management : a must have for version 0.3 and a prerequisite for notifications (mail, rss). ttp will implement a basic user management, and dant3 work on the LDAP part. dant3 and stormi will try to discuss LDAP integration with Mageia sysadmins.
- notifications : dant3 has a working prototype. Approximatively 2 weeks of work to polish that a bit. The result for 0.3 will be basic notifications, and an extendable notifications plugins system will be implemented after version 0.3
- improve some parts of the UI (package view and RPM view): will be done directly on the 0.2 maintenance branch
- accessibility audit : too soon, postponed
- internationalization : symfony has a built in mechanism based on xliff format. Dant3 will see what transifex can handle and think about the translation worklow.
- RPM packaging : seen above, ttp’s working on it
- distromatch and debtags : Stormi is working on it because it can bring interesting features rapidly
1 http://screenshots.debian.net
2 http://debtags.alioth.debian.org/
3 http://www.enricozini.org/2011/debian/distromatch-deploy/
[21:22] <Stormi> meeting starts [21:22] <Stormi> so the topics are : version 0.3, tasks [21:23] <Stormi> version 0.2 diffusion [21:23] <Stormi> (what was done, what's still to be done) [21:24] <ttp> i've nothing else to add [21:24] <Stormi> and weekly work report (ie : what we did) [21:24] <Stormi> let's start with the report [21:24] <Stormi> So first of all we delivered version 0.2 on last sunday [21:25] <Stormi> a mail was sent to various mailing lists, and posted to mandriva and mageia forums too [21:25] <Stormi> it hasn't got much answers [21:25] <ttp> since the last tickets of 0.2, i haven't produced anything. [21:25] <Stormi> but one said "awesome" [21:25] <ttp> i was motivating :) [21:26] <Stormi> yes :) [21:26] <ttp> maybe a linuxfr post will bring some reactions [21:27] <Stormi> yes, I planned to do it then couldn't find the energy/time and thought that maybe we should wait for version 0.3 [21:27] <Stormi> but after all nothing prevents from doing it for version 0.2 and 0.3 [21:28] <Stormi> so I propose to elaborate the linuxfr post on piratepad : http://piratepad.net/3r9KbXXmbS [21:28] <ttp> yes, we could do both. [21:29] <Stormi> (baby in hands, harder to type) [21:29] <ttp> :D [21:30] <ttp> ok. so i think that's all for 0.2. [21:30] <Stormi> I propose to write the article for linuxfr but it's good if we do it together on the piratepad [21:30] <Stormi> About 0.2, there's one more point [21:30] <ttp> ok, let's do that [21:31] <Stormi> It was asked by ennael if we could have it in production on mageia servers [21:31] <ttp> plus, it doesn't have to be long. [21:31] <ttp> about that, we could use it in production but not support the migration. [21:32] <Stormi> yes, for this version we can [21:32] <Stormi> so I sent installation instructions to the sysadmin team, and they created a bug report on bugzilla for its installation : https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=828 [21:32] <ttp> yes, because 0.2 has nothing about migration. [21:32] <Stormi> you can add yourselves in CC to follow its status [21:33] <Stormi> in order to facilitate the sysadmins work, I think we should continue the work on packaging and installation [21:33] <ttp> and the 0.2 task to upgrade propel will help us in add migration. [21:34] <Stormi> ttp: can you put that task (packaging, installation) as your first priority item ? [21:34] <Stormi> with as short a deadline as possible [21:34] <Stormi> they can help us, we can ask for advice to boklm for example [21:34] <ttp> for your bug, shouldn't we had to wait to produce a makefile before ? [21:35] <ttp> yes, it will be my priority [21:35] <Stormi> I don't want to lose momentum. Ennael asked for considering production use, so I started with what I had [21:36] <Stormi> And I think this should be on the 0.2 branch [21:36] <Stormi> that we will create [21:36] <Stormi> what do you think ? [21:37] <Stormi> (by the way I want a 0.2 branch for some bugfixes or improvements, such as removing the TODOs in some pages so that it appears better to users) [21:38] <ttp> it's logic to create that branch if we go to production [21:40] <Stormi> ok [21:40] <Stormi> that's all for 0.2 [21:41] <Stormi> next topic, before I forget : quick report [21:41] <Stormi> we got yours already :) [21:41] <Stormi> I had some discussion with the man who runs screenshots.debian.net [21:42] <Stormi> He is glad to see other distributions interested in his work [21:42] <Stormi> and would be interested in making it cross-distribution [21:42] <Stormi> which, for him, would mean a full rewrite of the application, but he intends to do it as the framework he uses is in a version that is no longer maintained, if I understood [21:43] <Stormi> We have authorization to use it for mageia-app-db already [21:44] <Stormi> and as soon as we don't put too much load on the server, we don't have to use a proxy. So we can put this question to later. [21:44] <ttp> about a potential high number of hits, did he tell you anything about putty a proxy or someting like that ? [21:44] <Stormi> we collided :) [21:44] <Stormi> short answer is : depends on the number of hits coming from us [21:45] <Stormi> so we should think about it but there is no urgency [21:46] <Stormi> I'm also in contact with the man behing the debtags, and we have all the elements that could allow us to apply the debtags current database to our packages [21:47] <Stormi> it means translated our package names to debian package names using distromatch, then we can use the tags all exported in one .tgz [21:47] <Stormi> so I'll try to write a synchronization task for that and make our database schema evolve to store the tags [21:47] <Stormi> it will be a simple tags table I think [21:48] <ttp> ok [21:48] <Stormi> This was not too high in the roadmap, but I think we could rapidly get something interesting that will raise users interest [21:48] <Stormi> what if you type "email client" and it gives you thunderbird, kmail, evolution... ? [21:49] <Stormi> that's the kind of thing the debtags allow to do [21:49] <Stormi> it will be an interested playground [21:49] <Stormi> interesting [21:50] <Stormi> So, that leads to topic "version 0.3" [21:50] <Stormi> release date is on May 15th [21:50] <Stormi> in one month from now [21:50] <Stormi> and the roadmap's content is huge :) [21:51] <Stormi> as a reminder, here is what I announced to the rest of the world : [21:51] <Stormi> - Complete the specifications. Some parts of the specifications are still [21:51] <Stormi> missing (answers to "what will the final interface look like ?"), because we [21:51] <Stormi> had a lot of technical work to do. [21:51] <Stormi> - Users : for now users can't log, because there's almost no user management. [21:51] <Stormi> For mageia at first : LDAP integration. [21:51] <Stormi> - User notifications (mail, RSS). dant3 is already working on it and shows [21:51] <Stormi> great progress. [21:51] <Stormi> - internationalization : allow to translate our application in various [21:51] <Stormi> languages (even if package descriptions will remain in english for now, until [21:51] <Stormi> we can find a good way to get translations for them). [21:51] <Stormi> - Improve package and RPM views [21:51] <Stormi> - Accessibility audit [21:51] <Stormi> - RPM packaging of mageia-app-db (already started, not finished yet) [21:51] <Stormi> - Use distromatch for better matching between a distribution's package names [21:51] <Stormi> and debian's package names (useful for retrieving screenshots, and maybe [21:51] <Stormi> someday translated package descriptions ?) [21:52] <Stormi> I already told "the world" that we will maybe not do everything for 0.3, depending on the ressources [21:54] <Stormi> - specifications : I have to kick myself and really take time to write them. If someone wants to help, it's possible, but beware, I'm capable of saying "no" to mockups and other proposals if I find they don't fit [21:54] <Stormi> which will not ease contribution :) [21:54] <Stormi> but if you are ready to take the risk, then I'm eager to see contribution to the specs [21:55] <Stormi> - users : this is something we must have for 0.3 [21:55] <dnt3> about ldap integration I am worked on it. We need some info about ldap from sysadmins, it will be good to have a meeting with them. It will be not hard to make a user-import from ldap to madb-users. [21:57] <Stormi> I'll try to organize that [21:57] <Stormi> ttp: dnt3 has good knowledge of ldap [21:59] <Stormi> so the goal for 0.3 is basic user management + LDAP integration, if we can achieve this [21:59] <Stormi> - notifications : can you talk about it dnt3 ? [21:59] <ttp> that's two diffrent tasks that could be done in parallel [21:59] <dnt3> yes [22:00] <dnt3> notifications now needed in basic user management [22:00] <ttp> because, ldap should not be the primary way to connect a user but one of many "connectors" available [22:00] <ttp> (that could be activated or not) [22:00] <Stormi> yes [22:00] <dnt3> yes [22:01] <Stormi> even if in mageia's case, it *will* be the primary way we use [22:01] <Stormi> but we'll know more after we discuss with the sysadmins [22:02] <ttp> yes, we will only make the ldap for the moment but we have to think about multiple ways to connect users in the database schema [22:02] <Stormi> yes [22:02] <Stormi> ttp: can you work on this in addition to the packaging stuff ? [22:02] <ttp> dnt3 : are you blocked by user management for notifications or could you continue without it for a moment ? [22:02] <dnt3> basic version of notifications almost ready, with mailing and rss, it has some bugs still [22:03] <ttp> Stormi : i will work a a basic user management. [22:03] <Stormi> (I propose ttp for the user management, and dnt3 for the ldap part) [22:03] <ttp> exacly what i thought :) [22:03] <Stormi> if we all agree without discussing, then we don't need meetings :) (jokin) [22:04] <ttp> :) [22:04] <Stormi> so let's come back to notifications [22:04] <dnt3> but I don't know if I will make it to be extandable with plugins in nearest future [22:05] <dnt3> so I'll try to end with good working basic notifications as soon as possible [22:05] <dnt3> user management is blocking me [22:06] <Stormi> dnt3: so basically what would those basic working notifications lack as compared to notifications using plugins ? [22:07] <dnt3> Stormi: it will not be extandable, only will have rss and email for updates, testing-updates, backports, testing backports, maybe comments [22:08] <Stormi> and won't allow for grouping together several notifications, I guess [22:08] <dnt3> yes [22:09] <Stormi> when do you think you can have working basic notifications ? [22:09] <dnt3> in about week or two [22:09] <Stormi> that would be perfect [22:10] <Stormi> then we'll test it, so I think it's reasonable not to aim for the plugins for 0.3 [22:10] <Stormi> (even if the work can begin on it before if you have time for it) [22:11] <Stormi> is it ok ? [22:12] <dnt3> yes, it is. [22:12] <Stormi> next are : [22:12] <Stormi> - improve the UI, in particular the RPM view and the package view [22:12] <Stormi> which needs specs :) [22:12] <Stormi> I can work on it I think [22:13] <ttp> that if there is not a lot of thing, could go to 0.2 [22:13] <Stormi> as soon as it doesn't demand too much skills in JS :) [22:13] <Stormi> indeed [22:13] <Stormi> for 0.2.1 or later [22:13] <Stormi> I'll target that milestone [22:13] <Stormi> next : [22:13] <Stormi> - Accessibility audit [22:14] <Stormi> do you have any clues how do to it ? And isn't it too early ? [22:14] <ttp> too early [22:14] <Stormi> ok, let's postpone that then [22:14] <Stormi> next : [22:14] <ttp> it won't be easy to make the filtering accessible [22:15] <Stormi> we'll try to find a way when the day comes [22:15] <ttp> so let's wait to stabilize it, a then do to accessibility audit [22:15] <Stormi> - internationalization [22:15] <Stormi> symfony has mechanisms for that [22:15] <Stormi> does it use PO files ? [22:16] <Stormi> (which is what our i18n team is used to) [22:16] <Stormi> (our = mageia) [22:17] <dnt3> iirc strings to translate are in xml for symfony [22:18] <ttp> yep, it's base on the format called xliff and there is english name and it's translation [22:18] <Stormi> ok, maybe there exists a .po to xliff converter [22:18] <Stormi> that would ease contribution [22:19] <Stormi> we could maybe find a way to integrate that with transifex, the tool used by the i18n team [22:19] <ttp> yep we'll have to seach that before starting internationalization [22:19] <Stormi> Given the work the 3 of us already have, I think we can wait 2 weeks before we start working on this [22:19] <dnt3> lokalize can be used to translate xliff directly [22:20] <dnt3> I used that before [22:21] <Stormi> ok, someone has to study that a bit, propose a solution, get in touch with the i18n team to validate it [22:21] <ttp> yes, but it's preferable to work on the standards used in mageia, like that we could use the help of the translators team [22:21] <Stormi> I will write a mail to our ML to ask for a volunteer [22:22] <Stormi> if none shows up, we'll just wait for 2 weeks, to concentrate on the other tasks [22:22] <dnt3> I am from i18n team... :) [22:22] <Stormi> dnt3: oh, I forgot that. sure it will help :) [22:22] <ttp> and technicaly we will still use xliff the read the translations, we'll just have a conversion step. [22:23] <ttp> sure, it will help ! [22:23] <ttp> and you have no probem not to use po files ? [22:23] <dnt3> Personally I'm not [22:23] <ttp> (to have different formats for all the projets) [22:23] <dnt3> every translator who used Lokalize before have no problems with that [22:24] <dnt3> as I think :) [22:24] <Stormi> ok [22:24] <ttp> ok, so there's not problem :) [22:24] <dnt3> only problem can be is transifex [22:25] <dnt3> I'm not sure it is can use lxiff, and our i18n team using transifex mainly [22:25] <dnt3> I will check this all out [22:25] <Stormi> ok [22:26] <Stormi> so new plan for this item is : dnt3 will see what format will be the best for i18n team [22:27] <Stormi> and what kind of translation workflow we can have [22:27] <dnt3> sure [22:27] <Stormi> thanks [22:27] <Stormi> the last 2 items, distromatch and RPM packaging, were already discussed [22:28] <Stormi> unless you have something to add [22:28] <dnt3> I had a question [22:28] <Stormi> I have a precision to give, maybe it will answer the question (or not :) [22:28] <Stormi> let's see your question :) [22:29] <dnt3> that are possibilities to add support for debian packages? [22:29] <ttp> (about items i've forgot to propose change the 0.3 release date) [22:30] <ttp> it will surlely come one day, but now, i think it's better to concentrate on one source [22:30] <Stormi> dnt3: not exactly, distromatch allows to translate our package names to debian package names [22:30] <Stormi> and those debian package names allow better matching when using debtags or screenshots from debian [22:30] <Stormi> so this conversion gives us more free material to use :) [22:31] <Stormi> is my explanation clear ? [22:32] <dnt3> yes [22:32] <Stormi> ok, let's talk about ttp's proposal concerning release date [22:33] <Stormi> ttp: which date do you propose ? [22:34] <ttp> the 31/05 instead of the 15/05 [22:35] <Stormi> which means 0.3 the day before mageia 1 is released [22:35] <-- LibrePC a quitté ce serveur (R