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Adrien Gallou edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Meeting 2011-04-21


  • last week’s work report (see the logs)
  • next week :
    • ttp will work on basic user management : architecture, basic implementation (estimated date for first results : sunday evening)
    • dant3 working on the notifications system
    • stormi will try to progress on distromatch and debtags
    • we will also try to create a test instance for alt linux, then dant3 see if madb can interest them


[21:07] <Stormi> So, what topics ?
[21:07] <Stormi> - last week achievements
[21:07] <Stormi> - next week tasks
[21:08] <ttp> dant3 : there is an ical here :
[21:08] <Stormi> - anything you want to talk about
[21:08] <dant3> thanks, ttp
[21:08] <ttp> (the link is in the bottom of the wiki hompage : )
[21:10] <Stormi> ok let's start
[21:12] <dant3> I remember I saw that link but I didn't used calendar that time:)
[21:13] <ttp> i'have not make any progress, juste merged xari's js dev
[21:14] <Stormi> Not much for me either
[21:14] <ttp> and answer some of xaris's and dant3 questions 
[21:14] <dant3> So for the last week,  I was able to test i18n extracting directly in a po files, there is still one issue with path, and code preparations are needed
[21:14] <Stormi> Fixed a bug and improved package and RPM views
[21:14] <ttp> started a little bit the linuxfr article
[21:15] <ttp> what kind of code preparation ?
[21:15] <dant3> we need to have all the translatable not dynamic text in __() functions and we need to iiniclude i18n_helper as default
[21:16] <dant3> for dynamic text it's same if it is in php, but not same if it is in database
[21:18] <Stormi> we took contact with the sysadmins too and now have test accounts for LDAP
[21:19] <dant3> yep
[21:19] <ttp> ok, but for now the database's content will not be translated.
[21:19] <Stormi> and instructions for how to proceed
[21:19] <dant3> ttp: for database I'll had instructions once it will be needed
[21:19] <Stormi> let's swith to the "next week" topic, we can discuss other topics afterwards
[21:20] <Stormi> So, what do you plan to do until next meeting ?
[21:20] <dant3> for this week I also had some improvments with rss
[21:20] <Stormi> dant3: great
[21:21] <Stormi> I will not be able to to much this week
[21:22] <ttp> have a rpm package working
[21:22] <dant3> I'm planning to continue testing notification against Mandriva's data from sophie, and will try to work with ldap and prepare some code
[21:23] <Stormi> ttp: what about basic user management, I think it was blocking for dant3 ?
[21:23] <dant3> yes it is, I'll be able to finish only once user management will be done
[21:23] <dant3> maybe I can help with user management?
[21:25] <ttp> how, so it's a priority over packaging
[21:25] <Stormi> I think so
[21:26] <ttp> dant3 i haven't worked on the architecture, it cannot be parralled for now
[21:26] <Stormi> the sysadmins are not doing much for madb installation in production for now, so the package can wait one week
[21:26] <Stormi> yes, ttp will have to boostrap it
[21:27] <Stormi> ttp: in the architecture we must plan 2 different ways to do things : 
[21:27] <Stormi> - manual way (user registration, etc...)
[21:27] <Stormi> - LDAP slave (the one we will use in madb)
[21:28] <Stormi> some kind of plugins architecture will allow to add other things for other distros
[21:28] <Stormi> do you think there can be other situations than manual or LDAP ?
[21:29] <dant3> yes, e.g. mageia-sadmins  talked about possibilities of open-id usage
[21:29] <Stormi> indeed
[21:29] <Stormi> however, we can start with a simple design and evolve it later
[21:30] <dant3> indeed
[21:30] <ttp> yes, and both could be activated/ desactivated, (maybe in prod only ldap will be used)
[21:31] <Stormi> ttp: do you have a clear view of the kind of architecture you will design ?
[21:31] <Stormi> or do you prefer to send a proposal to the list then discuss it ?
[21:32] <ttp> dant3 did you know if openid will be used ?
[21:32] <Stormi> ttp: the sysadmins discuss it, but haven't reach an agreement
[21:32] <dant3> ttp: we focused only on ldap usage, sysadmins havent decided
[21:33] <ttp> ok (openid is easier to test)
[21:34] <Stormi> So, ttp will design the architecture, put the foundations in place, then dant3 can add the LDAP use, and I can watch you working and help or criticize :)
[21:34] <ttp> :)
[21:34] <dant3> )
[21:35] <Stormi> ttp: do you have an estimated deadline for that ?
[21:36] <ttp> next sunday if everyone is fine
[21:36] <Stormi> next means in 3 days ?
[21:36] <dant3> :) 
[21:36] <dant3> I think ttp meant in 10 days
[21:36] <ttp> yeah, i'll try to work a lot on the week end :)$
[21:37] <ttp> i'ts the basic foundations
[21:37] <dant3> ah
[21:37] <dant3> ok
[21:37] <ttp> so it could be pretty fast
[21:37] <Stormi> great
[21:37] * dant3 a little tired, just had long i18n meeting
[21:37] <Stormi> dant3: we have a 3-days week-end
[21:38] <Stormi> because of Easter
[21:38] <dant3> I'm going to have a little vocati
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