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Export Cal and CardDAV data

André Peters edited this page Jul 17, 2016 · 3 revisions

mailcow 0.14 and newer

Each user can export their Cal- and CardDAV data in SOGo. An administrator may use sogo-tool to export data in bulk mode.

(TODO: more information and examples)

mailcow 0.13.1 and before

; mailcow comes with plugins helping to export Cal- and CardDAV data to .vcf and .ics files.
; Each user can export data he has access to.
; You can generate these exports by finding a url to your calendar, and adding ?export at the end of the url. This will automatically trigger a download:
https://davmailcowde/calendars/[email protected]/default?export

; The same procedure for address books:
https://davmailcowde/addressbooks/[email protected]/default?export

; Please use a Cal-/CardDAV client of your choice to find out the URI of self-created calendars and address books.
; Administrators can use MySQL to find a users calendar and address book URI:
mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf mailcow_database_name -e "SELECT uri FROM calendars where principaluri='principals/[email protected]';"
mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf mailcow_database_name -e "SELECT uri FROM addressbooks where principaluri='principals/[email protected]';"