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Build Setup

Karn Kaul edited this page Oct 16, 2019 · 7 revisions

MicroEngine source is configured to support a handful of environments, allowing users freedom in their development tools of choice. (If you are an advanced C++/CMake programmer, you can set it up for any custom environment too.) Only x64 (64-bit) builds are supported; a 32-bit build may work but may exhibit undefined behaviour. For more information on CMake and C++, visit this page.

Global Requirements:

  1. x64 (64-bit) CPU and OS
  2. C++17 compiler & tools (linker and runtime)
  3. CMake 3.13+
  4. Collaborators/Contributors:
    1. Editor Config support in your editor / IDE
    2. clang-format (standalone executable linked at the bottom of the page; rename as clang-format.exe and place in Tools)
      • Visual Studio 2019: Formatting > General > Enable ClangFormat
      • VS Code


  1. Download and install CMake 3.13+ for your OS (cmake-gui is the GUI wrapper on Linux)
  2. Clone the repository: git clone<repo-url> to a location on your local storage
    1. Collaborators: git checkout dev (dev is your effective master)
  3. (Optional) Manually initialise git submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive (CMake scripts will do this even if you don't)

Note: Downloading an archive of the repo - instead of cloning - will not work without manual submodule updation!

Quick Links:

  1. Visual Studio Solution
  2. Visual Studio CMake
  3. Visual Studio Code / Code::Blocks (or any text editor) with MinGW
  4. Linux
  5. Adding Sources

Windows (x64)

There are several options, listed in order of increasing complexity (of pre-build configuration).

Visual Studio Solution


  1. Visual Studio 2017+
  2. Windows SDK
  3. (Optional) LLVM compiler toolchain and LLVM Visual Studio plugin


  1. Open CMake and configure it:
    1. Click "Browse Source" and select {repo_path}
    2. Put {repo_path}/out (or a subdirectory) as "Where to build the binaries:"
    3. Click Configure and select your generator:
      • If using VS 2019: "Visual Studio 16 2019"
      • If using VS 2017: "Visual Studio 15 2017"
      1. If using VS 2017, enter "x64" as the "platform" (Win32 is not supported!)
      2. (Optional): If using Clang/LLVM, set "LLVM" as the "platform toolset"
      3. Click Finish (first-time configuration will take some time, successive ones will be much faster)
    4. After configuring is complete, ensure UPDATE_SUBMODULES is checked and click "Generate"
    5. Click Open Project
  2. In the IDE:
    1. (Optional) Choose your build configuration: Debug / RelWithDebInfo are relevant on Windows (the latter will build optimised - and hard-to-debug - binaries)
    2. Build ALL_BUILD: this will also auto-rerun CMake when it is out-of-date
    3. Select MicroEngine as the "Startup Project" in solution explorer
    4. Debug/Run the built executable (located in {repo_path}/Build)

Note: The generated solution file can be found in the path you chose as "Where to build the binaries" in CMake: it should be called {project_name}.sln. Do not manually edit/delete any files in there.

Visual Studio CMake


  1. Visual Studio 2019+
  2. C++ CMake tools for Windows
  3. Windows SDK
  4. (Optional) LLVM compiler toolchain and Clang Compiler for Windows


  1. Open Visual Studio, select "Open Folder", and pick {repo_dir}
  2. (Optional) Right-click CMakeLists.txt and select "CMake Settings for {project_name}":
    1. Set the toolset to clang_cl_x64 (if using LLVM/CLang)
    2. Add another build configuration for RelWithDebInfo
  3. Click Project -> Generate Cache
  4. Click Build -> Build All
  5. To Debug: Click the arrow next to "Select Startup Item" (the green play button) and pick the name of the executable; click the button / press F5

Visual Studio Code / Code::Blocks / Notepad++ / vim / emacs / etc


  1. MinGW x64 (with mingw32-make 4+ and g++ 7+)
    1. Note: make sure to select x86_64 as the "Architecture", and to add /path/to/mingw/bin to your environment's PATH (for CMake to find the compiler)!
  2. (VSCode):
    1. (Optional) Microsoft C/C++ extension

Note: mingw (32-bit, installs via mingw-get / MinGW Installation Manager etc) is not supported! You must use mingw64 to successfully compile and link MicroEngine.


  1. Open CMake and configure it:
    1. Click "Browse Source" and select {repo_path}
    2. Put {repo_path}/out/Debug (or a subdirectory) as "Where to build the binaries:"
    3. Click Configure and select the "MinGW MakeFiles" generator (or "CodeBlocks MinGW MakeFiles" if using CB)
    4. Click Finish (first-time configuration will take some time, successive ones will be much faster)
    5. After configuring is complete, ensure UPDATE_SUBMODULES is checked and click "Generate"
    6. (Optional) Create another CMake build directory {repo_path}/out/RelWithDebInfo and repeat, but with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to RelWithDebInfo
  2. Build and debug/run MicroEngine:
    • Via the terminal: navigate to the CMake build directory, then:
      1. Type mingw32-make and press enter (pass -jN to use N threads)
      2. Navigate to MircoEngine's build directory ({repo_path}/Build)
      3. To Run: type ./{exe-filename} and press Enter
      4. To Debug: type gdb ./{exe-filename} and press Enter, at the gdb console type run and press Enter
    • If using Code::Blocks:
      1. Open the generated project
      2. Build ALL_BUILD
      3. Select MicroEngine as the debugging target
      4. Set path/to/gdb.exe as the debugger
      5. Debug/Run the target
    • If using VSCode with the C/C++ plugin:
      1. Click Terminal and "Configure Default Build Task" and "Configure Task" to automate building and debugging without having to enter the terminal

Linux (x64)


  1. All SFML dependencies/libraries installed to standard paths
  2. g++ 7+, make
  3. (Optional) clang, llvm, ninja, codeblocks


  1. Open CMake and configure it:
    1. Click "Browse Source" and select {repo_path}
    2. Put {repo_path}/out (or a subdirectory) as "Where to build the binaries:"
    3. Click Configure and select the generator:
      1. make: Select "Unix Makefiles"
      2. ninja: Select "Ninja"
      3. codeblocks: Select "CodeBlocks Unix Makefiles" / "CodeBlocks Ninja"
      4. (Optional): Select "Specify Native Compilers" and provide paths to clang if using it
      5. Click Finish (first-time configuration will take some time, successive ones will be much faster)
      6. After configuring is complete, ensure UPDATE_SUBMODULES is checked and click "Generate"
      7. (Optional) Create another CMake build directory {repo_path}/out/RelWithDebInfo and repeat, but with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to RelWithDebInfo
  2. Build and debug/run the executable:
    • Via the terminal: navigate to the CMake build directory, then:
      1. Type ninja / make -j{threads} and press enter
      2. Navigate to MircoEngine's build directory ({repo_path}/Build)
      3. To Run: type ./{exe-filename} and press Enter
      4. To Debug: type gdb ./{exe-filename} and press Enter, at the gdb console type run and press Enter
    • If using Code::Blocks:
      1. Open the generated project
      2. Build ALL_BUILD
      3. Select MicroEngine as the debugging target
      4. Debug/Run the target

Note: Ensure to delete everything in Build except Resources, if and when changing build environments on the same {repo_path}.


Adding Sources

  • Do not add files to a project/solution, they will be removed when the next CMake generation gets triggered!
  • Do add the file paths to Source/Source.cmake and build ZERO_CHECK from the IDE to regenerate CMake
  • To manually regenerate CMake:
    1. Open CMake
    2. Click "Browse Build" and select the output directory previously chosen; CMake will detect and auto-load everything else
    3. Click Generate
  • Run clang-format on all changes/new files


  • To start from scratch, delete {repo_path}/{out} and everything in {repo_path}/Build except Resources
  • Restore mistakenly deleted Resources via (running from {repo_path}):
    1. git reset -- Build/Resources
    2. git checkout Build/Resources
  • To reset your changes to a remote branch: git reset --hard origin/{branch}
  • To amend the HEAD commit: git commit --amend

Building (Compiling)

Visual Studio Code with MinGW 64


  1. In VS Code open a terminal and navigate to the directory where CMake built the project: cd {build path}
  2. Build the project using: mingw32-make -j{threads}
  3. Or, use Tools/ (instructions in the script)
  • This creates {executable}.exe in the Build directory
  • Navigate to the Build directory with cd; cd {repo path}/Build;
  • Execute: ./{executable}.exeto run the game