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Project Layout

Karn Kaul edited this page Oct 17, 2019 · 3 revisions

Directory structure

// [file] => Ignored

.CMake/...			CMake helper scripts
.github/...			GitHub specific files
[Build/...]			MicroEngine (executable) build directory
	[Lib/...]		ThirdParty (libraries) build directory
	Resources/...		Executable (runtime) resources
[Include/]			ThirdParty development headers
	[SFML/...]		SFML headers (downloaded)
[out/...]			Local scratch/CMake root directory
Source/				All C++ source
	Game/...		All Game source
	Main.cpp		main()
	Source.cmake		Lists all source files to compile
[ThirdParty/]			ThirdParty (libraries) root directory
	[SFML/...]		SFML source
Tools/...			Shell/python scripts; place custom executables (like clang-format.exe) here
.clang-format			clang format rule file (linter)
.editorconfig			editor config rule file (file format)
.gitmodules			configuration for submodules (READ-ONLY!)
CMakeLists.txt			Root CMake script for MicroEngine

Third Party Dependencies

Library MSVCRT (VC / Clang) libstdc++ (MinGW / Linux)
sfml-system winmm m, pthread, udev
sfml-window gdi32, opengl32, sfml-system opengl, x11, xrandr, sfml-system
sfml-graphics freetype, sfml-system, sfml-window freetype, sfml-system, sfml-window

Build Pipeline:

[ Platform-specific libraries ]
sfml-system (static library)
sfml-window	(static library)
sfml-graphics (static library)
MicroEngine (executable)

Table of Contents


Contributors and Collaborators


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