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Azure Kinect Overview

Dan Bohus edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 7 revisions

Platform for Situated Intelligence supports using a Microsoft Azure Kinect Camera (see also Microsoft Kinect V2 support). This includes capture of video, infrared, depth, audio, and body tracking streams from the Azure Kinect. A sample application available here demonstrates its use.

Please note:
Supported platforms for Azure Kinect currently includes 64-bit Windows 10/11 and Ubuntu 18.04 only (vote for Mac support here).

Basic Components

Basic Azure Kinect capabilities are provided by instantiating an AzureKinectSensor component. Support for Azure Kinect body tracking is provided by instantiating a AzureKinectBodyTracker component. These two components are available in the Microsoft.Psi.AzureKinect namespace / nuget package.

Common Patterns of Usage

Below we present some examples of how to use the Azure Kinect sensor and body tracking in \psi.

Capturing Video

The following example shows how to create an AzureKinectSensor and stream images from the Kinect's color camera.

using (var pipeline = Pipeline.Create())
    var azureKinectSensor = new AzureKinectSensor(
        new AzureKinectSensorConfiguration()
            OutputColor = true,
            CameraFPS = FPS.FPS30,
            ColorResolution = ColorResolution.R1080p,

    azureKinectSensor.ColorImage.Do(img =>
        // Do something with the image


Similarly, the DepthImage and InfraredImage streams are available when the OutputDepth and OutputInfrared flags are set to true in the configuration.

The following are available as part of the AzureKinectSensorConfiguration:

  • DeviceIndex: The index of the device to open (default 0).
  • ColorResolution: The resolution of the color camera (default 1080p).
  • DepthMode: The depth camera mode (default NFOV unbinned).
  • CameraFPS: The desired frame rate (default 30 FPS).
  • SynchronizedImagesOnly: Whether color and depth captures should be strictly synchronized (default true).
  • OutputColor: Whether the color stream is emitted (default true).
  • OutputDepth: Whether the depth stream is emitted (default true).
  • OutputInfrared: Whether the infrared stream is emitted (default true).
  • OutputImu: Whether to use the Azure Kinect's IMU (default false).
  • OutputCalibration: Whether the Azure Kinect outputs its calibration settings (default true).
  • BodyTrackerConfiguration: The body tracker configuration (default null, no body tracking).
  • DeviceCaptureTimeout: The timeout used for device capture (default 1 minute).
  • FrameRateReportingFrequency: The frequency at which frame rate is reported on the FrameRate emitter (default 2 seconds).
  • ExposureTime: Exposure time of the color sensor (default 0 => automatic).
  • PowerlineFrequency: The power-line frequency (default Default).
  • WiredSyncMode: Whether the sensor is operating in standalone or synced mode (default Standalone).
  • DepthDelayOffColor: The delay between capture of color image and depth image (default 0).
  • SubordinateDelayOffMaster: The image capture delay between the primary and subordinate sensors (default 0).

Capturing the IMU

The following example shows how to create an AzureKinectSensor component and process the stream of IMU data from the device.

using (var pipeline = Pipeline.Create())
    var azureKinectSensor = new AzureKinectSensor(
        new AzureKinectSensorConfiguration()
            OutputImu = true,

    azureKinectSensor.Imu.Do(imu =>
        void Output(string name, System.Numerics.Vector3 sample)
            Console.WriteLine($"{name}: x={sample.X} y={sample.Y} z={sample.Z}");

        Output("Accelerometer", imu.AccelerometerSample);
        Output("Gyro", imu.GyroSample);


Capturing Temperature

The following example shows how to create an AzureKinectSensor and process the stream indicating the internal temperature of the device.

using (var pipeline = Pipeline.Create())
    var azureKinectSensor = new AzureKinectSensor(pipeline, new AzureKinectSensorConfiguration());
    azureKinectSensor.Temperature.Do(temp => Console.WriteLine($"Temperature: {temp} °C"));

Capturing Audio

The Azure Kinect has a microphone array. The audio streams can be captured directly by using the AudioCapture component from the Microsoft.Psi.Audio namespace. See the Audio Overview here.

var audio = new AudioCapture(pipeline, new AudioCaptureConfiguration()
    DeviceName = "Microphone Array (Azure Kinect Microphone Array)", // your device name may differ

audio.Do(buffer =>
    // Do something with the audio buffer

Body Tracking

This final section demonstrates how to use the Azure Kinect components to perform body tracking.

The AzureKinectSensor component uses depth and infrared information to produce a stream of bodies.

var azureKinect = new AzureKinect(
    new AzureKinectSensorConfiguration()
        BodyTrackerConfiguration =
            new AzureKinectBodyTrackerConfiguration()
                CpuOnlyMode = true,    // set to false to use the GPU
                TemporalSmoothing = 0.5f,

azureKinect.Bodies.Do(bodies =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Bodies: {bodies.Count}");

The following are available as part of the AzureKinectBodyTrackerConfiguration:

  • TemporalSmoothing: The temporal smoothing to use across frames for the body tracker. Set between 0 for no smoothing and 1 for full smoothing (default 0.5 seconds).
  • CpuOnlyMode: Whether to use CPU only mode to run the tracker. If false, GPU mode is used. The CPU only mode doesn't require the machine to have a GPU to run the tracker, but it will be much slower than the GPU mode. (default false).
  • SensorOrientation: The sensor orientation used by body tracking (default upright).
  • UseLiteModel: Whether to use the "lite" model for pose estimation, which trades ~2x performance increase for ~5% accuracy decrease. If false, the standard model is used. (default false).

Decoupled Body Tracking Component

Body tracking functionality is also independently implemented by the AzureKinectBodyTracker component.

var bodyTracker = new AzureKinectBodyTracker(
    new AzureKinectBodyTrackerConfiguration()
        TemporalSmoothing = 0.5f,
        UseLiteModel = true,

This component consumes DepthImage and InfraredImage streams as well as an AzureKinectSensorCalibration stream that contains the sensor calibration information; these streams are produced by the AzureKinectSensor component, and can be persisted and leveraged for running the tracker at a later time.

For instace, assuming these streams were persisted into a store, we can open them up as follows:

var store = PsiStore.Open(pipeline, "MyRecording", @"C:\Data");
var depth = store.OpenStream<Shared<DepthImage>>("DepthImage"); // DepthImage
var infrared = store.OpenStream<Shared<Image>>("InfraredStream"); // ColorImage
var calibration = store.OpenStream<Calibration>("AzureKinectSensorCalibration"); // AzureKinectSensorCalibration

The depth and infrared streams are joined and piped to the body tracker. The calibration stream is also separately piped to the body tracker. The tracker generates the resulting bodies on it's Bodies output stream.


var bodies = bodyTracker.Bodies;

Wired Hardware Synchronization of Multiple Azure Kinect Sensors

Azure Kinect sensors provide the capability for wired hardware synchronization of color image capture. In synchronization mode, all sensors will attempt to capture the color image at the same time. One sensor must be designated as the primary with all other sensors being designated as subordinate sensors. This is done by setting the WiredSyncMode to Master for the primary sensor and Subordinate for the subordinate sensors. The synchronization cables must be connected correctly for this to work. You can find more information about the synchronization cables here. The exposure time and power-line frequency must also be manually set for them to work correctly. The following is an example configuration:

// The minimum time between depth sensors accroding to AzureKinect Samples.
var minTimeBetweenDepthImageSensors = TimeSpan.FromTicks(1600);

var sensor1 = new AzureKinectSensor(p, new AzureKinectSensorConfiguration()
    DeviceIndex = 0,
    CameraFPS = FPS.FPS15,
    WiredSyncMode = WiredSyncMode.Master,
    PowerlineFrequency = AzureKinectSensorConfiguration.PowerlineFrequencyTypes.SixtyHz,
    ExposureTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(80000),
    DepthDelayOffColor = minTimeBetweenDepthImageSensors / 2,

var sensor2 = new AzureKinectSensor(p, new AzureKinectSensorConfiguration()
    DeviceIndex = 1,
    CameraFPS = FPS.FPS15,
    WiredSyncMode = WiredSyncMode.Subordinate,
    PowerlineFrequency = AzureKinectSensorConfiguration.PowerlineFrequencyTypes.SixtyHz,
    ExposureTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(80000),
    DepthDelayOffColor = -1 * (minTimeBetweenDepthImageSensors / 2),

Once started, the sensors will attempt to capture their color images at the same time. However, the actual time each image reaches the \psi pipeline might be different due to small differences in latency. Extra care must also be taken to ensure that the depth sensors do not interfere with each other. This may be done by varying when the depth images are taken via the DepthDelayOffColor parameter.

A Note About Coordinate Systems

The AzureKinectBodyTracker and AzureKinectSensor components emit all calibration, joint, and body orientation information in the coordinate system basis of MathNet.Spatial. This is a different basis assumption from that used by the sensor technology underneath for joints and for the sensor itself.

All coordinate systems are immediately rebased inside the component such that the X-axis represents "forward", the Y-axis represents "left", and Z-axis represents "up". All coordinate system information emitted by these components adhere to this basis.

    	|   X
    	|  /
    	| /
 Y <----+
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