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Preparing a flash station

Fabian Tamp edited this page Nov 16, 2015 · 7 revisions

Follow these instructions to set up a Mac or Debian Linux computer as a "flash station" that can "flash" the Buendia software onto an Intel Edison, turning the Edison into a functioning Buendia server. The flash station automates this process so that you only need to issue one command and — about 45 minutes later — everything will be installed and configured on the Edison.

Setting up a Mac as a flash station

Note: OSX El Capitan can't be used as a flash station at the moment because HoRNDIS (see below) doesn't support El Capitan yet. See for details. In the meantime, you may be better off setting up a VM as a flash station.

  1. Get dfu-util. You can get it by downloading Openmoko Flasher and copying the binary located at Openmoko to a directory on your PATH; or you can get it using Homebrew with the following steps:
a. Install the latest Xcode from Apple.

b. Install [Homebrew](

c. In a terminal, run `brew install dfu-util coreutils gnu-getopt gnu-tar`

   * If you get an error like "Warning: gnu-tar-1.28 already installed, it's just not linked" then try `brew link gnu-tar`

   * If you get an error like "Error: Could not symlink bin/gtar /usr/local/bin is not writable" then do `sudo chown -R $USER:admin /usr/local`
  1. Enable Ethernet over USB:
a. Download and install [HoRNDIS](

b. Connect your Edison using a data USB cable.

c. Open Network preferences on the Mac.

d. In the list of devices, find the new device with a yellow status dot (usually named "Multifunction Gadget").  Next to "Configure IPv4" select "Manually" and then next to "IP Address" type ``.  Click "Apply".  You should then see the status dot turn green.

Setting up a Debian Linux machine as a flash station

Get dfu-util by running apt-get install dfu-util and you should be good.

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