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widget files view html

Nicolas HILAIRE edited this page Apr 18, 2016 · 1 revision


Widgets are items that display information and support interaction by user.

A widget has two main parts.

  • The header display widget title set by user in configuration and display a toolbar. This toolbar is specified by widget's code.
  • The main area where your view will be put in.

The size of widgets are based on blocks. One block size is around 100px. Your widget dimension is constrained on block size (ie: min 1 by 1 and max 2 by 3)

But your view will don't make exactly a multiple of 100 size. You have to take into account different elements. Here is a schematic that show margin information. An additional margin cause a 1 px margin all aournd your view.

The dimensions of the view are computed following formulas:

  • With toolbar:

width = (blockSize * 100) - 5

height = (blockSize * 100) - 30

  • Without toolbar:

width = (blockSize * 100) - 5

height = (blockSize * 100) - 5

Here is a recapitulative of size applyed on most used dimensions

  • With toolbar
Width of widget
1 block 2 blocks 3 blocks 4 blocks
Height of widget 1 block 95 x 70 195 x 70 295 x 70 395 x 70
2 blocks 95 x 170 195 x 170 295 x 170 395 x 170
3 blocks 95 x 270 195 x 270 295 x 270 395 x 270
4 blocks 95 x 370 195 x 370 295 x 370 395 x 370
  • With toolbar
Width of widget
1 block 2 blocks 3 blocks 4 blocks
Height of widget 1 block 95 x 95 195 x 95 295 x 95 395 x 95
2 blocks 95 x 195 195 x 195 295 x 195 395 x 195
3 blocks 95 x 295 195 x 295 295 x 295 395 x 295
4 blocks 95 x 395 195 x 395 295 x 395 395 x 395

This view follows knock out MVVM pattern. So you can use vars in your viewmodel that are directly update into your view.

the following example will display "time" variable into text attribute and set varaible "timeFontSizeCSS" into style attribute of the div

<div class="time-field" data-bind="text: time, style: timeFontSizeCSS"></div>

For more information refer to knockout-js documentation at

Your view is contained in a

that have following css attributes:
.panel-widget-body {
    padding: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    flex: 1;
    width: 100%;
    position: relative;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

CSS flex has been used to help your to make your widget flexible to resize. Use as much as possible flex and relative size to help your widget to be resized.

To make resize easier, you can use "textfit" class in your text fields. This class indicates that the text font must be changed to fit the container. With that class, your text will grow when your widget will be resized.

<div class="time-field textfit" data-bind="text: time"></div>

If your text field can't be fitted to its parent (ie for a inline element), you can use "textfit textfit-in parent" class to indicate to take the parent height and width and not the current element

<i class="textfit textfit-in-parent" data-bind="css: conditionClass"></i>
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