You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
If L = {2,4,8} then L/2 returns a list of rationals {1,2,4} but L//2 doesn't work -- it should be the same as apply(L, i-> i//2)
Okay, we've added this to the trunk, and also for i%2. Also works for ring elements. -- Dan
Macaulay2, version
with packages: ConwayPolynomials, Elimination, IntegralClosure, LLLBases,
PrimaryDecomposition, ReesAlgebra, TangentCone
i1 : B = QQ[] --B = QQ also gets an error, though less spectacular
o1 = B
o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : A = QQ[x]
o2 = A
o2 : PolynomialRing
i3 : f = map(B,A,matrix({{0_B}}))
o3 = map(B,A,{0})
o3 : RingMap B <--- A
i4 : g = map(B^1,A^1,f,matrix({{1_B}}))
o4 = | 1 |
1 1
o4 : Matrix B <--- A
i5 : ker g
-- stack trace, pid 4785:
level 0 -- return addr: 0x08065e95 -- frame: 0xb61a4df8
level 1 -- return addr: 0xb7fe1400 -- frame: 0xb61a4e18
... (continues to level 39)
Fixed, new behavior:
ii16 : B = QQ[]
oo16 = B
oo16 : PolynomialRing
ii17 : A = QQ[x]
oo17 = A
oo17 : PolynomialRing
ii18 : f = map(B,A,matrix({{0_B}}))
oo18 = map(B,A,{0})
oo18 : RingMap B <--- A
ii19 : g = map(B^1,A^1,f,matrix({{1_B}}))
oo19 = | 1 |
1 1
oo19 : Matrix B <--- A
ii20 : ker g
oo20 = image | x |
oo20 : A-module, submodule of A
B = QQ[]
S = B[]
A = B[y]/ideal(y^3)
f = map(S,A,matrix({{0_S}}))
g = map(S^1,A^1,f,matrix({{1_S}}))
ker g
Output: 0, which is not the kernel of this map!:
i6 : ker g
o6 = image 0
o6 : A-module, submodule of A^1
Fixed, new answer:
ii14 : ker g
oo14 = image | y |
oo14 : A-module, submodule of A
i12 : A = new MutableMatrix from matrix{{1_RR}}
o12 = | 1 |
o12 : MutableMatrix
i13 : clean(0.1,A)
stdio:13:1:(3): error: unknown engine error
i1 : R = CC; inverse map(R^1,R^1,(i,j)->random R)
-- warning: experimental computation over inexact field begun
-- results not reliable (one warning given per session)
o2 = | .819187-.5071i |
1 1
o2 : Matrix CC <--- CC
53 53
i3 : R = CC; inverse map(R^2,R^2,(i,j)->random R) -- freezes!
If two threads try to compute a GB of the same ideal at the same time, then M2 crashes. A demo is to be found in bugs.m2 in the parallel directory.
Note: If one uses the certified version 1.0.5 these bugs won't appear, since they are produced by method added in version 1.1.
i1 : loadPackage "Polyhedra"
o1 = Polyhedra
o1 : Package
i2 : p = convexHull transpose matrix {{1,0,0,0,0}};
i3 : p1 = convexHull transpose matrix {{0,0,0,0,0},{0,-1,0,0,0}};
i4 : p2 = convexHull transpose matrix {{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,-1,0,0}};
i5 : p3 = convexHull transpose matrix {{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,-1,0}};
i6 : p4 = convexHull transpose matrix {{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,-1}};
i7 : p = minkowskiSum(p,p1);
i8 : numColumns vertices p
o8 = 2
i9 : p = minkowskiSum(p,p2);
i10 : numColumns vertices p
o10 = 4
i11 : p = minkowskiSum(p,p3);
i12 : numColumns vertices p
o12 = 2
i13 : p = minkowskiSum(p,p4);
i14 : numColumns vertices p
o14 = 0
Since all the involved polytopes are bounded, the number of vertices
of the appearing minkowski sums can never decrease. This is a bug. At
the end of newMinkSum(...) the method fMReplacement(...) is called. One
can check that when the decreasing of the number of vertices starts
fMReplacement(...) gets called with wrong input. It seems like the part
of newMinkSum(...) determining the halfspaces bounding the minkowski sum
is giving wrong results. _FIXED_
Additionally some other fixes have to be done, the uniqueColumns(...) method defined at the beginning of newMinkSum(...) has to be replaced by the following code to make the dimensions agree even if all the columns are zero:
uniqueColumns := M -> (
if M!=0 then matrix{(unique apply(numColumns M, i -> M_{i}))} else map(ZZ^(numRows M),ZZ^0,0)
and in the lines after determining HS one has to replace the two lines starting with R:= with the following lines:
R := promote(rays P | rays Q,QQ) | map(target promote(V,QQ),QQ^1,0);
V = (map(QQ^1,source promote(V,QQ),(i,j)->1) || promote(V,QQ)) | (map(QQ^1,source R,0) || R);
since V is a ZZ-matrix.
i1 : loadPackage "Polyhedra";
i2 : P = hypercube 3;
i3 : mixedVolume {P,P,P}
stdio:3:1:(3): error: matrix concat: row sizes are not equal
The documentation could accentuate that the ring is just considered to be a field, even when its not. And that afterwards the command isField gives true even when the ring is not a field. Names are a bit misleading.
" does not work for Set ==
error: no method for binary operator == applied to objects:
i1 : t1=createTask(()->(sleep 2; 1))
o1 = <<task, created>>
o1 : Thread
i2 : schedule t1; cancelTask t1
i4 : sleep 3
o4 = 0
i5 : isReady t1
o5 = false
i6 : taskResult t1
stdio:5:1:(3): error: thread not done yet
Currently the Join => false option for tensoring two multigraded rings does not work, even if the rings have the same degreeLength.
Probably this is not a bug, but I thought that addStartTask should be some kind of "or" dependency. If two tasks t1,t2 are linked to a third one t3 by addStartTask then t3 is scheduled as soon as one of the tasks, t1 say, finishes. However, when t2 finishes there is an error message:
i1 : allowableThreads=3
o1 = 3
i2 : -- some simple tasks
t0=createTask( ()->(sleep 1))
o2 = <<task, created>>
o2 : Thread
i3 : t1=createTask( ()->(sleep 1))
o3 = <<task, created>>
o3 : Thread
i4 : t2=createTask( ()->(sleep 5))
o4 = <<task, created>>
o4 : Thread
i5 : t3=createTask( ()->(sleep 2))
o5 = <<task, created>>
o5 : Thread
i6 : addStartTask(t0,t1); -- schedule t1 as soon as t0 has finished
i7 : addStartTask(t0,t2); -- schedule t2 as soon as t0 has finished
i8 : addStartTask(t1,t3); -- schedule t3 as soon as t1 has finished
i9 : addStartTask(t2,t3); -- schedule t3 as soon as t2 has finished
i10 : -- schedule the first task and check all other tasks:
schedule t0; scan(7,i->(print (i,apply({t0,t1,t2,t3}, t-> isReady(t))); sleep 1));
(0, {false, false, false, false})
(1, {false, false, false, false})
(2, {true, true, false, false})
(3, {true, true, false, false})
(4, {true, true, false, true})
(5, {true, true, false, true})
{*dummy position*} error: expected a function
(6, {true, true, true, true})
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