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Mahrud Sayrafi edited this page Mar 12, 2021 · 1 revision

title: SVN information permalink: wiki/SVN_information/ layout: wiki

We use subversion to edit our code and share with others.

Extensive SVN documentation:

To check if you are online properly: svn ls svn://

-- First you need to install "subversion" --this will give you a program called svn. Macs already have this.

-- Now, make a directory to keep all the stuff from this workshop:

mkdir somedir

cd somedir

--Next you'll want to "check out" stuff that everyone has put into the repository. The command is "co" and you use it as follows:

svn co svn://

This command will download the contents of the WFU-2012 folder, including all the packages we are working on right now.

-- Of course you can use the usual commands to get the contents:


cd WFU-2012

-- In order to add your own file to the repository, you need to do the following: add the file, and then check it in via "ci":

svn add Foo.m2

svn ci -m "this is where I put summary of what I've done to my file Foo.m2"

-- To update your directory run:

svn up

-- To see the changes made to the directory:

svn stat

-- To get the summary of the changes between your file and the version of the file someone else has checked in:

svn diff

-- Finally, if you want the latest version of everything including packages from previous workshops:

svn co svn:// M2

-- Then look inside



If you'd like to add a file that has never been checked in before, run: ' svn add filename' .

To check a file in, run: '''svn ci -m 'adding some text to README' '''.

To update your repository: '''svn up '''; run this command from the folder IMA-2011, for example.

To see summary of changes that other people have made: svn log .

To get version control commands inside emacs: C-x v C-h

Some potentially helpful webpages:

Basic general emacs commands

Emacs Diff mode commands

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