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mihai-stfc edited this page Oct 5, 2020 · 15 revisions

Wiki > Coordinators


The coordinator function is for devices that are used to coordinate the flow information regarding the Helium Recovery System through the network so that it reaches the database.

In practice, it specifically refers to the coordinators, also called base stations, manufactured by HZB. They use the XBEE protocol to communicate and read information from the various vessels, cryostats, etc. in a facility and send that information to the server so it can be saved in the database.

Image of a base station:

base station

Coordinator object classes

Because the coordinator function was made just for the base stations, this function only has one object class. This class is called Coordinator and is the class for all of the base stations.

The coordinator object class has a position type of 1.

Status Meaning
0 inactive
1 open
2 not connected


No measurements types are defined for the Coordinator class.

Coordinator object types

For the same reason the coordinator function has only one class, the Coordinator object class only has one object type, called Coordinator default.

Coordinator object attributes

Attribute Type Note
OB_ID integer
OB_NAME string The DH Name from the front of the LAN-XBEE box, or other appropriate name
OB_ADDRESS string XBee address, this is listed on a sticker on the more recent devices
OB_COMMENT string Whatever notes are deemed necessary
OB_POSINFORMATION string displayed in HeliumManagement List, this should relate to the physical location of the LAN_XBEE, for example the nearest instrument
OB_ACTIVE boolean
OB_IP string The IP Address for that coordinator – should match the one listed against the given COM Port
OB_COMPORT string The Com Port associated with the IP address for that coordinator
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