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Update GAM Database to Version 1.2

Eddy Lelièvre-Berna edited this page Jun 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

Here is an example showing how to update the database from the application. This example assumes that version control was installed as described here.

  1. Before updating the database, make a backup! Below, as an example, it is assumed that you created a 'Backups' folder on your Desktop to store backups of the database.

    • Open the Command Prompt as an administrator
    • Navigate to the folder C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin
    • Enter the command mysqldump -u root -p helium > C:\Users\helium\Desktop\Backups\2024-06-24.sql followed by the root password.
  2. In the Helium Management app, go to the 'Version Control' menu and and click on 'GAM Version Info'. Check that the version 1.1 is installed. If not, return to this page and perform the update.


  3. Still in the Helium Management app, go to the 'Settings' menu and click on 'Control Panel'. Note the username of the MySQL account accessing the database (helium in the screenshot shown below):


  4. Close the Helium Management app.

  5. Return to the Command Prompt and grant the appropriate privileges to the MySQL account accessing the database:

    • Enter the command mysql -u root -p followed by the password.

    • Enter the SQL command SHOW GRANTS FOR helium; to determine the privileges of user helium (replace helium with the username noted before):


    • The above privileges are insufficient to update the database. So enter the command GRANT ALL ON helium.* TO helium; to add all privileges and check the result with SHOW GRANTS FOR HELIUM;:


  6. Download the GAMupdate_ver1_2_from_ver_1_1_mysql_20230310.guf file from the HZB cloud.

  7. Relaunch the Helium Management app. Go to the 'Version Control' menu and and click on 'GAM Update'. Click on the [Load GAM file] button, select the downloaded file and load it. The window shows the SQL commands that will be applied to update the database:


  8. Click on the [Apply] button to update the database. Then, go to the 'Version Control' menu and and click on 'GAM Version Info':


  9. Close the Helium Management app.

  10. The update being complete, put back the appropriate grants to user helium with the commands:

    • REVOKE ALL ON helium.* FROM helium;


    • SHOW GRANTS FOR helium;


  11. Restart the MySQL server:

    • Press [Windows+R] to open the Run dialog
    • Type services.msc and press [Enter] to open the Services window
    • In the Services window, look for the MySQL57 service name, select it, and click the Restart the service button
  12. Restart the Helium Management app.

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