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Eddy Lelièvre-Berna edited this page May 18, 2021 · 1 revision

The GAM_FUNCTION table represents the highest classification of objects, and it is based on the overall function or purpose that they fulfil.

As an example, storage represents a function, and all dewars, cryostats, gas bladders and so on belong to this category, as they all fulfil the same general purpose.

Functions are further divided into classes, so between the GAM_FUNCTION and GAM_OBJECTCLASS tables there is a one to many relationship with total participation, each function has one or more classes.

Object function table

Attribute name Attribute meaning Data type Mandatory Notes
OF_ID ID of function 24-bit Integer Yes It is the primary key. It is automatically incremented, no need to set it manually.
OF_NAME Name of the function String, up to 50 bytes in size No
OF_COMMENT Comments related to this function String, up to 1000 bytes in size No
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