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Gas Tanks

KlausKiefer edited this page Mar 2, 2023 · 13 revisions

Wiki > Storage Devices > Gas Tanks


Gas tanks are a type of compressed gas storage devices used to store helium gas at a high pressure for longer periods of time. The helium gas comes from the recovery lines through a gas bladder. It is stored in gas tanks for longer periods of time until it can be sent to a liquefier.

Position type Display priority
1 2


The amount of gas in gas tanks is measured in liquid litres. A liquid litre refers to the amount of gas equivalent to one litre of liquid Helium.


Measurement number Parameter being measured Unit
1 Pressure (primary reading) bar
2 Pressure (alternative reading, optional) bar
3 Battery (optional) percentage
4 Temperature K
5 Helium content litres

Gas Tank object types

By default, the Gas Tank object class has one object type, called Gas tank default. Its value of OT_VOLUME is 0.
Note: In the SQL code for the database and in other places, this object type might also be called Druckgasspeicher.

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