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Eddy Lelièvre-Berna edited this page May 18, 2021 · 1 revision

The GAM_NETWORK table stores information about the individual Helium network of a facility.

Here, network refers to an individual physical circuit where liquid and gas Helium circulates and is used. There is usually one network for each location of a facility. For example, at HZB there is one network for the site in Wannsee and there is a separate network for the site in Adlershof.

There is a one to many relationship between the GAM_NETWORK and GAM_OBJECT tables. A network has multiple objects in it, or none at all. An object can be in one network, but does not have to; an object can not be in multiple networks. Usually only positions, gas counters, balance devices and coordinators. Positions, balance devices and base stations must always belong to a network. Vessels do not usually have a network foreign key, but you find out their network by looking at their level meter, then at the meter's position, then at the position's network.

There is a one to many relationship between the GAM_NETWORK and GAM_IMAGE tables. A network is associated with multiple images or floor plans, and cannot have 0 images. Each image must belong to one network.

Network table

Attribute name Attribute meaning Data type Mandatory Notes
NW_ID ID of network 24-bit Integer Yes It is the primary key. It is automatically incremented, no need to set it manually.
NW_NAME Name of network String, up to 50 bytes in size Yes
NW_COMMENT Comments regarding this network String, up to 1000 bytes in size No
NW_OUTOFOPERATION If the network is out of operation, 0 by default. Integer from 0 to 9 Yes You never should clear objects, object types or object classes (or anything else) from the database as old measurements will reference to it.
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