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evil_morfar edited this page Feb 18, 2019 · 8 revisions

Overview of all default modules in RCLootCouncil.

Name Access Description
Voting Frame Council Members Handles the loot council decisions and awarding of items during sessions.
Loot Frame Everyone Allows candidates to roll for items.
Session Frame Master Looter Prepares items for a session.
Loot History Everyone Shows recorded loot history.
Version Checker Everyone Checks for installed RCLootCouncil and modules versions.
Synchronizer Everyone Handles syncing of RCLootCouncil data.
TradeUI Everyone Handles tradeables.
Options Menu Everyone Handles all RCLootCouncil settings.

Common for the majority of these modules is their similar looking window (except the options menu), which consists of a title bar, and their content. The title bar can always be double-clicked to minimize said window, and again to maximize it. They also all share the ability to be scaled: simply hold down "ctrl" and scroll the mousewheel while hovering over the window.

Several plugins with new modules are also available, check the addon description for a list of those.

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