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evil_morfar edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 1 revision


  • Automatically popups when a session starts.
  • or starting a session manually with /rc test as the Group Leader/Master Looter or alone
  • or /rc open.

The main module in which the council handles their business.


RCLootCouncil works by dividing each item into sessions, on which the council can see candidate data, vote on candidates, and the group leader can award items. Each item is handled in their own session (selected with the left most icons), and the main window shows all the details related to the selected session.

Not everything can be seen by everyone, and nothing at all unless you're a member of the council or Observe has been enabled.

Awarding Items

As the Master Looter, you're in charge of awarding items. There's two ways you can do that:

  1. Use the Right click Menu.
  2. Alt-click on a row.

Note: Only items awarded this way are tracked in RCLootCouncil. Any other means of awards (particularly using the Master Looter menu) is not tracked!

Session info and options

These are all the info shown outside of the table of candidates. Some of these are the same for all the items in the loot session, while others are depending on the currently selected session.


  1. Item Info
    Here various info about the item in the currently viewed session is shown. This includes the icon, name, ilvl, type, and any bonuses the item might have. If the item was looted with Personal Loot, then the owner is listed here aswell. You can double the icon to toggle a permanent item tooltip.

  2. Award Info
    Shown when an item has been awarded. Simply shows whom the item was awarded to, and as a reminder that this item has been awarded.

  3. Disenchant Button
    Only available to the group leader. Clicking it shows a list of enchanters in the group, and clicking one of them will award the item to that candidate with the reason listed as Disenchant in the Award Reasons options.

  4. Filter Button
    Clicking this shows a list of filterable responses. Each available response, along with other more specific options, can either be checked or unchecked, which indicates if that response is shown or not. The text of the filter button changes color to indicate a filter is enabled (as this might cause you to see no responses at all).

  5. Abort/Close button
    This button changes depending on whether you're the group leader or not. Close simply closes the window, and is shown for anyone but the group leader when a session is running. The window can the be reopened with the /rc open chat command. Once the session is finished, the group leader also sees Close. When the button says Abort it means a session is still running, and clicking it will stop the session.

  6. Loot Status
    Shows the current loot status of a recently killed boss. The number is displayed as a/b/x/y where:

    a: is the number of people that has loot on the boss, but haven't looted it.
    b: is the number of people that have yet to loot the boss.
    x: is the number of people that have fully looted the boss.
    y: is the number of people in the group.

    These are color coded for ease of reference. Hovering over the string shows a tooltip with more detailed information, including the status of each group member.

  7. Vote Status
    This shows the number of councilmembers that have voted, and how many still have to. Hovering over it shows the names of those.

  8. More Info Button
    Click to toggle the More Info window.

  9. More Info
    This window shows more info about the selected candidate. This includes the last few items received (the responses are selected in the More Info options), the total awards by response, the number of raids the candidate has received loot from, and the total awards the candidate has received. All of this info is gathered directly from the Loot History, and thus requires it to be enabled.

  10. Session Switch
    A column of icons indicating the items that's included in the current session. Clicking one will switch to the selected session. The borders of the icons are color coded to indicate: awarded sessions (green), the current viewed session (yellow), and other sessions (white).

  11. Non session items
    Below the voting frame there's a row of items that were looted, but not included in the session. Hovering over the item lets you see the item tooltip, it's owner, and why it wasn't added to the session (usually because it was non-tradeable). These are also color coded according to their reason for being there.

Candidate Table

The list of candidates, their response and gear related to the currently selected session. Everything in this list is always tied to the selected session.

All columns are sortable by clicking on their header, with a few even sorting by secondary columns when logically applicable.
All rows are selectable (indicated by a yellow background) as well as hover able - mainly used for the "More Info" tooltip. If you're the Master Looter, all rows can also be right-clicked, opening the Right click Menu.


  1. Candidate Icon
    This can either be the candidate's class or spec icon, depending on the seletecd options.
  2. Candidate Name
    Name of the candidate, colored according to the candidates' class.
  3. Guild Rank
    The candidates' guild rank. Note this is will show their actual rank, even if they're in a different guild than you.
  4. Role
    The candidate's current group role.
  5. Response
    The candidate's response. This might be a default status text depending on the candidate's selection in the Loot Frame and/or other events, but is otherwise related to the group leader's options for the specific item.
  6. Ilvl
    The candidate's equipped ilvl.
  7. Diff
    The difference between the candidate's lowest equipped item level in the related slot and the item in the session.
    If the item in the session is a trinket or ring, and the candidate has equipped a version of it, then that item is used for comparison instead of the above (as the new item would replace it).
  8. Gear
    The candidate's gear in the related item slot. Hover the icon to see the item tooltip. Note: Candidate gear is logged at the beginning of a fight so they can't cheat by swapping in a lower ilvl piece. Up to two gear pieces are shown depending on the slot.
  9. Votes
    The number of votes the candidate has received. Hover to see the voters, unless Anonymous Voting is enabled.
  10. Vote Button
    Click to vote or unvote on the candidate. Depending on options there might be restrictions on whom you can vote for.
  11. Notes
    If highlighted with yellow it means the candidate has added a note with their response. Simply hover the icon to see their note. If greyed out, no note has been attached.
  12. Roll
    This is where random rolls are displayed, if added.

Right click menu

Shown when right-clicking on a candidate. Only available for the group leader.


  1. Name
    Name of the affected candidate.

  2. Award
    Click to award the item to the selected candidate. It's possible to use the award button to re-award an item that has already been awarded. Simply click the award button on a new candidate, and everything is updates to reflect the changes, including the Loot History.

  3. Award For ...
    This menu allows you to award the item for a specific Award Reason.

  4. Award Later
    Stores the item in the award later list, allowing you to delay awarding until a later time.

  5. Change Response
    Contains a list of available responses for you to manually change a candidates' response.

  6. Reannounce ...
    Contains all the different reannounce options. The first level of submenus are:

    • Candidate Name
      Only reannounce to this specific candidate.
    • Everyone
      Reannounce to everyone.
    • Roll: xx
      Reanounce to everyone with this exact roll.
    • Response: xxxx
      Reannounce to everyone with this response.

    Each of the submenus have another submenu in which you select the item to be reannounced. Note: Only the very last menu is clickable. When selecting "This Item" it refers to the item in the current session, while "All unawarded items" refers to all items that have yet to be awarded.

    Also note that all reannounces except "Candidate Name -> This Item" are checked if they should be autopassed by default, so use that if you want to reannounce to someone that has autopassed.

  7. Add Rolls
    This will add a random 1-100 roll to all candidates in the session - useful if you can't decide between two or more candidates. The rolls themselves are the same as each candidate doing a "/roll" except they are guaranteed to be different so ties are impossible. See the Add Rolls option for an automatic way of doing this. A more detailed explanation is available in the Random Rolls page.

  8. Request Roll ...
    This is somewhat similar to the above, except in involves the candidates by showing a special edition of the Loot Frame that allows them to do a "real" /roll. This roll is intercepted and used in the voting frame. Unlike the automatic rolls these are somewhat slow and not guaranteed to be different, but some people like the transparency it provides. A more detailed explanation is available in the Random Rolls page.

  9. Remove from consideration
    Clicking this changes the candidates' response to a special "removed response". This response is sorted lower (below normal and status responses, just above passes and other "not eligible" responses). Further more it's filtered as a status text, if enabled. Useful for removing troll rolls, or clearing up the list.