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tmc meeting minutes 20180406
(10:50) - Sie sind nun in #deegree
(10:50) - Topic: Welcome to deegree, an OSGeo project. Visit the main project page at http://deegree.org and our wiki at http://wiki.deegree.org with lots of extra info. Check out a running system at http://demo.deegree.org and follow us on twitter @deegree_org.
(10:50) - Das Topic wurde von jmays am 10.11.2010 um 16:03:31 Uhr gesetzt
(11:00) - copierrj joined
(11:24) - dstenger joined
(11:25) - tfr42 joined
(11:25) <tfr42>Hi all!
(11:25) <tfr42>Sorry for being late
(11:25) <dstenger>Hi
(11:26) <copierrj>hi
(11:26) <StephanR>Hi
(11:26) <tfr42>are you on skype or google talk?
(11:27) <copierrj>not sure if my skype is working
(11:27) <tfr42>then let's go for google talk
(11:27) <copierrj>ok
(11:27) <tfr42>who has the link to invite all of us=
(11:28) <dstenger>https://hangouts.google.com/call/yoIMxqa8YVWGi1xvnSkgAAEI
(11:31) <tfr42>During the OSGeo Code at the 2018-03-19 we have merged some PR
(11:33) <tfr42>the list of merged PR is https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Amerged+merged%3A2018-03-19+
(11:33) <tfr42>one PR was left out
(11:33) <tfr42>for discussion
(11:33) <tfr42>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/890
(11:34) <tfr42>the IRC chat https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/wiki/tmc-meeting-minutes-20180319
(11:34) <tfr42>your feedback to PR 890
(11:35) <tfr42>+1
(11:35) <dstenger>+1
(11:35) <StephanR>+1
(11:36) <copierrj>+1
(11:37) <copierrj>merged
(11:37) <tfr42>Any other urgent PR with a bug fix or so needs to be merged for 3.4.0?
(11:39) <tfr42>This is the list of open PR for 3.4 milestone
(11:39) <tfr42>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+milestone%3A3.4
(11:39) <copierrj>none of those are required for 3.4 imho
(11:39) <tfr42>all of them can be moved to next milestone 3.4.1
(11:39) <tfr42>agreed?
(11:39) <StephanR>+1
(11:39) <copierrj>+1
(11:39) <dstenger>+1
(11:40) <tfr42>done
(11:40) <tfr42>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+milestone%3A3.4.1
(11:40) <dstenger>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/milestone/4
(11:44) <dstenger>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/milestones?state=open
(11:47) <tfr42>shall we remove the milestone from all open Issues and replace it with a lable for version such as "3.4" or "3.3"?
(11:54) <tfr42>I do agree that having the milestone for issues is currently misleading since we use the milestone for PR and issues but it has a different meaning
(11:55) <tfr42>shall we remove the milestone for all issues for all open issues?
(11:56) <copierrj>+1
(11:56) <dstenger>+1
(11:56) <StephanR>+1
(11:56) <tfr42>+1
(11:58) <tfr42>Ok, I will remove the milestone from all open issues and make a short post to the mailing list with our conclusion why we did it. Ok?
(11:58) <copierrj>+1
(11:58) <StephanR>+1
(11:58) <dstenger>+1
(12:00) <tfr42>Shall we prepare final release version 3.4.0?
(12:00) <copierrj>+1!
(12:00) <tfr42>your vote please?
(12:00) <dstenger>+1
(12:00) <tfr42>+1
(12:00) <StephanR>+1
(12:00) <tfr42>Who is going to do that?
(12:03) <tfr42>This was the last announcement to the mailing lists regarding 3.4
(12:03) <tfr42>https://sourceforge.net/p/deegree/mailman/message/36231097/
(12:07) <StephanR>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/899
(12:07) <tfr42>we have a minor issue for the javadoc build
(12:08) <tfr42>I do not consider this as blocking the release
(12:08) <tfr42>javadoc is generated but not aggregated
(12:08) <copierrj>not blocking imho
(12:08) <tfr42>I will publish the changes we made during the code sprint and we can fix it later
(12:08) <tfr42>OK?
(12:09) <copierrj>+1
(12:09) <StephanR>+1
(12:09) <dstenger>+1
(12:09) <tfr42>I will start the build for release 3.4.0
(12:10) <dstenger>I will install final version 3.4.0 on cite.deegree.org and test it with CITE tests.
(12:21) <tfr42>I will change the website and remove the unstable marker for 3.4 and put 3.3 in the archive section.
(12:21) <copierrj>+1
(12:21) <dstenger>+1
(12:21) <StephanR>+1
(12:23) <tfr42>2018-04-20 at the same time?
(12:23) <tfr42>11-12 CEST
(12:23) <copierrj>+1
(12:24) <StephanR>+1