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tmc meeting minutes 20230322
(16:56) <stempler>Hello
(16:56) - Kapil77 quit (Client Quit)
(16:56) - KapilA joined
(16:57) <StephanR>Hi
(17:00) - stenger joined
(17:00) <tfr_>Hi
(17:00) <StephanR>Hi
(17:00) <stenger>Hi
(17:01) - KateLyndegaard joined
(17:01) <StephanR>https://meet.google.com/egx-mqhv-ciu
(17:01) - copierrj joined
(17:02) <copierrj>hi
(17:02) <StephanR>Hi
(17:02) <StephanR>https://meet.google.com/egx-mqhv-ciu
(17:02) <tfr_>Hi and welcome to our deegree TMC meeting
(17:02) <tfr_>What is on our agenda for today?
(17:04) <tfr_>Any open topics from last TMC meeting?
(17:04) <tfr_>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/wiki/tmc-meeting-minutes-20230308
(17:05) <tfr_>Planned Code Sprint for deegree v3.5
(17:06) <stenger>FOSS4G conference
(17:06) <tfr_>Status of releasing deegree webservices 3.5
(17:06) <stenger>OGC and OSGeo Code s
(17:06) <stenger>Sprint
(17:07) <stempler>Feedback on issue #76 "Add OAS 3 URL with file extension" and related Pull Requests would be great
(17:07) <stenger>Corrected: OCG, ASF and OSGeo Code Sprint
(17:07) <stempler>Similar for questions on #74 "Adapt returned response header to provide version information"
(17:08) <tfr_>OK, then let's start with the organisational topics and announcements
(17:10) <tfr_>FOSS4G in Prizren from 27 of June until 1st of July
(17:10) <stenger>https://portal.ogc.org/public_ogc/register/230425osos_codesprint.php
(17:11) <tfr_>Joint Code sprint of OGC OSGeo and ASF
(17:12) <tfr_>deegree Code sprint v3.5 is planned April/May, none of our prefered dates are available at the LinuxHotel
(17:14) <tfr_>We will most likely meet then at the UPH in Essen
(17:14) <tfr_>How to answer the question when releasing deegree webservices 3.5
(17:14) <tfr_>How to answer the question when releasing deegree webservices 3.5?
(17:16) <tfr_>We plan to finalize the version 3.5 during the code sprint planned for May 2023.
(17:17) <tfr_>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1464
(17:17) <log-bot>deegree3#1464 Preparing next release version (deegree web services 3.6) [needs discussion,TMC discussion]
(17:17) <log-bot>deegree3#1464 tfr42 opened this issue on 2023-02-01 17:35 * updated 2023-03-17 11:19 * 1 comments
(17:18) <tfr_>Open questions about PR forseen for deegree OGC API
(17:19) <tfr_>https://github.com/deegree/deegree-ogcapi/issues/74
(17:19) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#74 Adapt returned response header to provide version information [feature,contributions welcome]
(17:19) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#74 Kate-Lyndegaard opened this issue on 2023-02-22 14:27 * updated 2023-03-14 16:54 * 2 comments
(17:24) <tfr_>Example workspace for deegree OGC API: https://github.com/deegree/deegree-workspaces/tree/main/ogcapi-workspace/ogcapi
(17:33) <KateLyndegaard>API-20: Include the major version number in the URI
(17:33) <KateLyndegaard>The URI of an API (base path) must include the major version number, prefixed by the letter v. This allows the exploration of multiple versions of an API in the browser. The minor and patch version numbers are not part of the URI and may not have any impact on existing client implementations.
(17:33) <KateLyndegaard>An example of a base path for an API with current version 1.0.2:
(17:33) <KateLyndegaard>https://api.example.org/v1/
(17:34) <KateLyndegaard>https://publicatie.centrumvoorstandaarden.nl/api/adr/
(17:36) <tfr_>Currently http://cite.deegree.org/deegree-ogcapi-1.3/datasets/kitaeinrichtung/api responses with "version": "1.0"
(17:39) <StephanR>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/blob/main/deegree-core/deegree-core-commons/src/main/java/org/deegree/commons/utils/TunableParameter.java
(17:39) <StephanR>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/blob/main/deegree-services/deegree-webservices-handbook/src/main/asciidoc/appendix.adoc
(17:41) <stempler>https://github.com/deegree/deegree-ogcapi/issues/76
(17:41) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#76 Add OAS 3 URL with file extension [feature,contributions welcome]
(17:41) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#76 Kate-Lyndegaard opened this issue on 2023-02-22 14:42 * updated 2023-03-16 08:56 * 3 comments
(17:58) <tfr_>I do propose to create a new Dockerfile for OGC API in https://github.com/deegree/deegree-ogcapi/Dockerfile
(17:59) <stenger>+1
(18:00) <StephanR>+1
(18:00) <copierrj>+1
(18:00) <tfr_>Currently no open pull request with fixing a security vulnerability
(18:00) <tfr_>So no action to take today
(18:02) <tfr_>Next meeting in 2 weeks
(18:02) <StephanR>2023-04-05 17:00 ?
(18:02) <copierrj>+1
(18:02) <StephanR>+1
(18:02) <stenger>+1
(18:02) - KateLyndegaard quit (Quit: Client closed)
(18:02) <tfr_>+1
(18:03) <tfr_>See you soon
(18:03) <tfr_>https://github.com/deegree/infrastructure/pull/56
(18:03) <tfr_>is upgrading Nexus to next bug fix version
(18:03) <copierrj>+1
(18:04) <stenger>+1
(18:04) - KapilA quit (Quit: Client closed)
(18:04) <tfr_>+1
(18:04) <StephanR>+1
(18:04) - stempler left
(18:04) <copierrj>merged
(18:04) <tfr_>https://github.com/deegree/infrastructure/pull/55
(18:05) <copierrj>+1
(18:05) <tfr_>is upgrading Jenkins to next LTS version
(18:06) <tfr_>+1+1
(18:07) <stenger>+1
(18:07) <StephanR>+1
(18:08) <copierrj>merged
(18:12) <StephanR>My proposal would be to prepare a pr regarding the routing issues on our jenkins and suggest to create a pr and include you for review
(18:12) <StephanR>And in case you accept that pr i would apply it afterwards
(18:12) <copierrj>+1
(18:12) <tfr_>+1
(18:13) <StephanR>+1
(18:17) <StephanR>The containers are up now
(18:21) <tfr_>Jenkins plugins have been updated and Jenkins is restarting
(18:21) <tfr_>https://buildserver.deegree.org/manage/pluginManager/updates/
(18:24) <tfr_>bye
(18:24) <copierrj>bye