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tmc meeting minutes 20200110
(11:02) <tfr42>Hi! The voice channel for today is https://hangouts.google.com/call/rk3HDFsbvNDHOOxATBlQAEEI
(11:02) <dstenger>Hi all
(11:03) <tfr42>Let's wait a second
(11:04) - copierrj joined
(11:04) <copierrj>hi
(11:05) <StephanR>Hi
(11:05) <tfr42>Hi
(11:05) <tfr42>https://hangouts.google.com/call/rk3HDFsbvNDHOOxATBlQAEEI
(11:05) <dstenger>Hi
(11:05) <tfr42>Ok, then let's start
(11:05) <tfr42>What is on the agenda for today?
(11:05) <copierrj>PR
(11:05) <tfr42>Server infrastructure and updated
(11:06) <tfr42>Server infrastructure and updates
(11:06) - CarlosPalma-Guad quit (Remote host closed the connection)
(11:06) - CarlosPalma-Guad joined
(11:08) <tfr42>Issue https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/886 and the planned activities
(11:23) <tfr42>Let's move on
(11:24) <tfr42>with server infrastucture
(11:25) - MarcoMinghini quit (Remote host closed the connection)
(11:26) <tfr42>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/851
(11:26) <tfr42>fail2ban has been installed
(11:27) <tfr42>Shall we disable and remove login accounts of inactive persons?
(11:27) <StephanR>+1
(11:27) <copierrj>+1
(11:27) <dstenger>+1
(11:28) <tfr42>There is a security issue https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/network/alert/pom.xml/log4j:log4j/open
(11:29) <tfr42>Upgrade to log4j2 is still under progress, see https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/976
(11:36) <tfr42>The motion is to keep the sl4j as bridge to connect other logging libraries such as logback
(11:37) <tfr42>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/compare/master...tfr42:upgradeLog4j2
(11:42) <copierrj>+1
(11:42) <tfr42>+1
(11:42) <StephanR>+1
(11:42) <dstenger>+1
(11:43) <tfr42>Open PR
(11:47) <copierrj>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/685
(11:48) <copierrj>still pending?
(11:48) <tfr42>yes
(11:48) <StephanR>yes
(11:48) <tfr42>postpone
(11:49) <tfr42>labled as stuck
(11:50) <copierrj>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/720
(11:52) <copierrj>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/734
(11:52) <copierrj>last one only needs rebase because of docs
(11:59) <copierrj>see comment in pr
(11:59) <StephanR>ok
(11:59) <copierrj>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/809
(12:03) <copierrj>stuck
(12:04) <tfr42>OK,that's it for today
(12:04) <tfr42>next tmc meeting 2020-01-124
(12:04) <tfr42>next tmc meeting 2020-01-24
(12:04) <dstenger>+1
(12:04) <StephanR>+1
(12:04) <copierrj>+1
(12:04) <tfr42>+1
(12:04) <tfr42>same time
(12:05) <copierrj>11:00h