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tmc meeting minutes 20240124
(17:00) <stenger>Hi
(17:04) <tfr>Hi
(17:04) <StephanR>Hi
(17:04) <StephanR>https://meet.google.com/hcs-iqtv-fnd
(17:10) <tfr>What is on our agenda for today?
(17:10) <StephanR>Status of org.reflections removal
(17:11) <stenger>pull requests
(17:11) <tfr>issue regarding reflection: https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1624
(17:11) <log-bot>deegree3#1624 Reflections not longer maintained, needs to be removed or replaced [TMC discussion,dependencies,core]
(17:11) <log-bot>deegree3#1624 tfr42 opened this issue on 2024-01-09 17:52 * updated 2024-01-10 15:33 * 3 comments
(17:12) <tfr>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1628
(17:12) <log-bot>deegree3#1628 Migration of Image IO to Eclipse ImageN [TMC discussion,contributions welcome,dependencies,core]
(17:12) <log-bot>deegree3#1628 tfr42 opened this issue on 2024-01-11 09:28 * updated 2024-01-16 18:12 * 1 comments
(17:13) <tfr>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1633
(17:13) <log-bot>deegree3#1633 String.replaceAll and String.replaceFirst are known to be slow due to Pattern compiles. Prefer Pattern.matches().replaceAll()
(17:13) <log-bot>deegree3#1633 kad-vetteh opened this issue on 2024-01-18 11:45 * updated 2024-01-18 11:45 * 0 comments
(17:15) <tfr>Status of implementation https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1627
(17:15) <log-bot>deegree3#1627 Upgrade dependencies to Servlet 6.0 and Faces 4.0 (Jakarta EE 10) [console,dependencies,core]
(17:15) <log-bot>deegree3#1627 tfr42 wants to merge 3 commits (150 files) from lat-lon:feature/migrateToServlet6.0-1401
(17:15) <log-bot>deegree3#1627 build error at 2024-01-10 20:18 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1627/1/display/redirect
(17:16) <tfr>https://github.com/deegree/infrastructure/issues/88
(17:17) <tfr>Ok, anything else?
(17:18) <StephanR>ok
(17:19) <tfr>Than, let's start with the new and opne issues reported since last meeting:
(17:19) <tfr>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1628
(17:24) <tfr>I am in favor to migrate to Eclipse ImageN.
(17:24) <stenger>+1
(17:24) <tfr>+1
(17:25) <StephanR>+1
(17:26) <julianzz98>+1
(17:35) <tfr>Ok, I will try to check if this is a drop-in replacement
(17:35) <tfr>Next, https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1633
(17:35) <log-bot>deegree3#1633 String.replaceAll and String.replaceFirst are known to be slow due to Pattern compiles. Prefer Pattern.matches().replaceAll()
(17:35) <log-bot>deegree3#1633 kad-vetteh opened this issue on 2024-01-18 11:45 * updated 2024-01-18 11:45 * 0 comments
(17:41) <tfr>Here is my proposal:
(17:41) <tfr>@kad-vetteh Thanks for the proposal. Can you tell us a little more about the context when this will effect deegree at runtime? And of course any source code and runtime improvement is welcome. So, we will be happy, if you are preparing a pull request.
(17:41) <stenger>+1
(17:41) <tfr>+1
(17:41) <julianzz98>+1
(17:42) <tfr>comment added to issue
(17:42) <tfr>Next,
(17:42) <tfr>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1624
(17:42) <log-bot>deegree3#1624 Reflections not longer maintained, needs to be removed or replaced [TMC discussion,dependencies,core]
(17:42) <log-bot>deegree3#1624 tfr42 opened this issue on 2024-01-09 17:52 * updated 2024-01-10 15:33 * 3 comments
(17:42) <StephanR>On the topic of org.reflections i did the first step to check if the soulution is viable
(17:42) <StephanR>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1638
(17:42) <log-bot>deegree3#1638 Draft: Remove org.reflections dependency [enhancement,in progress]
(17:42) <log-bot>deegree3#1638 stephanr wants to merge 4 commits (283 files) from gritGmbH:enhancement/remove-org-reflections
(17:42) <log-bot>deegree3#1638 build error at 2024-01-24 16:19 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1638/1/display/redirect
(17:46) <StephanR>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1638/files#diff-9c5fb3d1b7e3b0f54bc5c4182965c4fe1f9023d449017cece3005d3f90e8e4d8R322-R325
(17:51) <tfr>+1
(17:51) <StephanR>My suggestion i will prepare a PR for 3.6 for the next meeting
(17:51) <tfr> looks good, happy to see a PR soon
(17:51) <tfr>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1627
(17:51) <log-bot>deegree3#1627 Upgrade dependencies to Servlet 6.0 and Faces 4.0 (Jakarta EE 10) [console,dependencies,core]
(17:51) <log-bot>deegree3#1627 tfr42 wants to merge 3 commits (150 files) from lat-lon:feature/migrateToServlet6.0-1401
(17:51) <log-bot>deegree3#1627 build error at 2024-01-10 20:18 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1627/1/display/redirect
(17:57) <tfr>I will update the PR, if compile completes successfully, next step is intensive testing
(17:57) <tfr>any volunteers?
(17:57) <julianzz98>I volunteer!
(17:57) <tfr>thanks
(17:58) <julianzz98>Please assign me, when the final changes are made
(17:59) <StephanR>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1632
(17:59) <log-bot>deegree3#1632 Fix regression with SVG that would be rendered smaller than one pixel [bug,WMS]
(17:59) <log-bot>deegree3#1632 stephanr wants to merge 1 commits (2 files) from gritGmbH:bugfix/svg-render-regression
(17:59) <log-bot>deegree3#1632 build success at 2024-01-11 18:28 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1632/1/display/redirect
(18:01) <stenger>+1
(18:01) <tfr>+1
(18:01) <StephanR>+1
(18:02) <julianzz98>+1
(18:02) <tfr>merged
(18:02) <stenger>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1623
(18:02) <log-bot>deegree3#1623 NOT-MERGEABLE Add GeoJSON as GetFeatureInfoFormat (deegree 3.6) [feature,WMS]
(18:02) <log-bot>deegree3#1623 lgoltz wants to merge 9 commits (15 files) from lat-lon:feature/geoJsonFeatureInfoFormat-9399-1582
(18:02) <log-bot>deegree3#1623 build success at 2024-01-24 12:31 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1623/4/display/redirect
(18:05) <stenger>+1
(18:05) <tfr>+1
(18:05) <julianzz98>+1
(18:06) <StephanR>+1
(18:07) <StephanR>merged
(18:07) <stenger>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1622
(18:07) <log-bot>deegree3#1622 Add GeoJSON as GetFeatureInfoFormat (deegree 3.5) [feature,WMS]
(18:07) <log-bot>deegree3#1622 lgoltz wants to merge 10 commits (191 files) from lat-lon:feature/geoJsonFeatureInfoFormat-9399-1582
(18:07) <log-bot>deegree3#1622 build success at 2024-01-24 12:31 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1623/4/display/redirect
(18:07) <stenger>+1
(18:07) <julianzz98>+1
(18:08) <julianzz98>-1
(18:08) <julianzz98>=0
(18:08) <tfr>-1
(18:08) <StephanR>-1 needs rebase
(18:08) <tfr>not ready, PR requires rebase against 3.5-main
(18:10) <StephanR>added a review comment that a rebase is required
(18:10) <tfr>Ok, then next meeting? In 2 weeks?
(18:11) <StephanR>+1
(18:11) <stenger>+1
(18:11) <tfr>7th of Feb 202, 1700-1800?
(18:11) <tfr>ok
(18:12) <stenger>+1
(18:12) <StephanR>+1
(18:12) <tfr>thanks, talk to you in two weeks
(18:12) <StephanR>talk to you in two weeks
(18:12) <StephanR>bye
(18:12) <stenger>Bye