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tmc meeting minutes 20180824
(10:59) - ChanServ hat das Topic gesetzt: Welcome to deegree, an OSGeo project. Visit the main project page at http://deegree.org and our wiki at http://wiki.deegree.org with lots of extra info. Check out a running system at http://demo.deegree.org and follow us on twitter @deegree_org.
(11:00) - tfr42 joined
(11:00) <tfr42>Hello!
(11:01) <StephanR>Hi
(11:02) - copierrj joined
(11:03) <tfr42>Our google hangout link for today is https://hangouts.google.com/call/qwmyBy82l7CAp_EVgQsYAAEI
(11:03) <tfr42>please join
(11:06) <tfr42>Let's collect some topics for today
(11:06) <tfr42>PR for deegree
(11:06) <tfr42>OSGeoLive and deegree 3.4
(11:06) <tfr42>Annual report for FOSS4G 2018
(11:08) - dstenger joined
(11:09) <tfr42>Open issues from last TMC meeting
(11:10) <tfr42>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/914 is travis-ci failing
(11:13) <tfr42>continue the discussion about API changes and preparing release 3.5
(11:14) - ndrs joined
(11:14) - ChanServ setzt den Mode: +o ndrs
(11:15) <tfr42>Any other topic to discuss?
(11:21) <tfr42>OK, then let's start with OSGeoLive
(11:23) <tfr42>https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/ticket/2047
(11:23) <tfr42>should be done
(11:24) <tfr42>I wil check with user kalxas if this issue can be closed
(11:25) <tfr42>the fork still remains in deegree org on github
(11:25) <tfr42>https://github.com/deegree/OSGeoLive
(11:25) <tfr42>https://github.com/deegree/OSGeoLive-doc
(11:25) <tfr42>can we keep it?
(11:25) <tfr42>+1
(11:25) <dstenger>+1
(11:26) <StephanR>+1
(11:28) <tfr42>Good
(11:28) <tfr42>then FOSS4G annual report
(11:29) <tfr42>the slides are https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1imiG7x09ry7lGvmS15FCVq2Z7yaICY00fcpXBK27TXY/edit?usp=sharing
(11:29) <tfr42>and I can add a slide for deegree
(11:29) <tfr42>anything important to mention?
(11:30) <tfr42>version 3.4 was released
(11:30) <tfr42>deegree on OSGeoLive has been upgraded to 3.4.1
(11:31) <tfr42>improved community process and better guidelines on github
(11:33) <tfr42>we have participated at the FOSSGIS 2018 in Germany and the FOSS4G-Europe 2018 in Portugal
(11:36) <tfr42>OK, that's it!
(11:36) <tfr42>Then let's move on with open PR for 3.4
(11:37) <dstenger>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/918
(11:43) <StephanR>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/916
(11:48) <tfr42>@ndrs: We would like to keep the abstraction layer of sl4j and not to use log4j API directly
(11:49) <ndrs>ok, I can have a look at what log4j2 offers here
(11:51) <copierrj>we could also consider moving to logback
(11:51) <ndrs>OTOH, keep in mind that log4j2 offers a bridge module to slf4j, so you can use anything slf4j has to offer while using the log4j2 API
(11:51) <ndrs>see eg. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41498021/is-it-worth-to-use-slf4j-with-log4j2
(11:52) <StephanR>Do we have advantages with log4j 2 in comparsion to slf4j as a more generic API ?
(11:55) <ndrs>well, I was just reading around and got the impression, that log4j2 offers everything that slf4j offers and more, plus it has loads of plugins for use with anything logging related out there
(11:55) <ndrs>but that's just my gut feeling
(11:56) <tfr42>We are close to 12:00
(11:57) <tfr42>We are blocked by travis currently
(11:57) <tfr42>I do propose to get travis fixed and then merge PR 918
(11:57) <dstenger>+1
(11:57) <tfr42>your votes
(11:57) <copierrj>+1
(11:57) <tfr42>+1
(11:57) <copierrj>I'll have a look at the build later today
(11:57) <StephanR>+1
(11:57) <tfr42>ok
(11:57) <dstenger>Thanks
(11:58) <tfr42>regarding PR 916 please continue the discussion at github
(11:59) <ndrs>ok
(11:59) <tfr42>I do propose for all the other PR labled for milestone 3.4.3 we continue next time
(11:59) <copierrj>+1
(12:00) <tfr42>To wrap up
(12:00) <tfr42>I will do check with OSGeo Live communit and the FOSS4G anual report
(12:00) <StephanR>@ndrs; regarding the logging we made good results in using logback instead of slf4j
(12:01) <tfr42>copierrj will check travis
(12:01) <tfr42>@copierrj if you get travis working please drop me a note, then I can start the build
(12:02) <copierrj>ok
(12:04) <tfr42>and PR 914 should be included as well
(12:04) <copierrj>agreed
(12:05) <tfr42>if the PR 914 and 918 are passing travis we can build 3.4.3 release
(12:05) <tfr42>You agree?
(12:05) <ndrs>before merging, maybe https://github.com/deegree/deegree-maven-plugin/pull/9 should be included as well, else the tests will fail
(12:05) <copierrj>+1
(12:05) <dstenger>+1
(12:06) <StephanR>+1
(12:07) <tfr42>How to deal with https://github.com/deegree/deegree-maven-plugin/pull/9?
(12:08) <tfr42>I do propose to review it next time because we are 7 min over schedule
(12:08) <tfr42>OK?
(12:08) <copierrj>yes
(12:08) <ndrs>sure
(12:08) <tfr42>Perfect
(12:08) <copierrj>that might result in PR 914 not being merged before next release
(12:08) <tfr42>OK
(12:09) <tfr42>When do we meet next?
(12:09) <tfr42>in 2 weeks same time?
(12:10) <copierrj>+1
(12:10) <tfr42>2018-09-07 11-12 CET
(12:10) <tfr42>thanks, till soon!
(12:10) <StephanR>+1
(12:13) <tfr42>bye
(12:13) <copierrj>bye
(12:13) <StephanR>bye