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tmc meeting minutes 20190125
(10:52) - Sie sind nun in #deegree
(10:52) - Topic: Welcome to deegree, an OSGeo project. Visit the main project page at http://deegree.org and our wiki at http://wiki.deegree.org with lots of extra info. Check out a running system at http://demo.deegree.org and follow us on twitter @deegree_org.
(10:52) - Das Topic wurde von jmays am 10.11.2010 um 15:03:31 Uhr gesetzt
(10:54) - tfr42 joined
(10:55) - dstenger joined
(11:00) <tfr42>Hi
(11:00) <StephanR>Hi
(11:00) <tfr42>Voice channel https://hangouts.google.com/call/rWBBi0xPlZL9ugjPzSK6AEEI
(11:02) - copierrj joined
(11:03) <copierrj>hi
(11:03) <tfr42>https://hangouts.google.com/call/rWBBi0xPlZL9ugjPzSK6AEEI
(11:04) <tfr42>What is on our agenda for today?
(11:04) <tfr42>chat log from last TMC meeting https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/wiki/tmc-meeting-minutes-20190111
(11:05) <copierrj>PR discussed last time: https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/680/
(11:05) <copierrj>TMC requested retest
(11:18) <tfr42>The FOSSGIS Conference 2019 has published the programm. The deegree user meeting is taking place at Thursday 2019-03-14 see https://pretalx.com/fossgis2019/talk/7Z3TNX
(11:22) <tfr42>Anything else for the agenda?
(11:23) <copierrj>open PR
(11:23) <tfr42>Other open PR?
(11:23) <tfr42>Which one to start with?
(11:24) <copierrj>oldest first?
(11:26) <copierrj>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/661
(11:28) <tfr42>is changing the schema for the WMS configuration
(11:35) <tfr42>-1 not yet for 3.4
(11:36) <copierrj>+1 (only adding config option)
(11:36) <dstenger>0
(11:36) <StephanR>+1 (because it only adds elements to the schema)
(11:43) <tfr42>The PR is changing the WMS configuration file XSD and thus is not inline with idea that a change of a configuration file should not go into a bugfix version
(11:44) <tfr42>which would be the next planned release 3.4.4
(11:48) <tfr42>files at http://schemas.deegree.org/services/wms/3.4.0/ should not change for the 3.4. line
(11:50) <copierrj>after more discussion: -1
(11:50) <StephanR>so for me it is also now: 0
(11:55) <tfr42>currently the build job http://buildserver.deegree.org/job/deegree-3.4-upload-schemas/ does not support to automatically generate new folders with changed schema file
(11:56) <tfr42>the underlying script update-schemas.sh is not ready for that
(11:56) <tfr42>yet
(11:56) <copierrj>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/915
(11:58) <StephanR>Example of config using url version https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/blob/51cdd20dd335715e045c89dd351b668e112edec2/deegree-tests/deegree-wms-remoteows-tests/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/workspace/services/wms.xml
(12:03) <copierrj>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/953
(12:11) <tfr42>And please have a look on these two issues https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/942 and https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/943
(12:13) <copierrj>i'll have a look and report back on it asap
(12:14) <tfr42>perfect, thanks
(12:14) <tfr42>Next TMC meeting?
(12:15) <copierrj>15 feb 11:00h?
(12:15) <tfr42>+2
(12:15) <StephanR>+1
(12:15) <copierrj>bye
(12:15) <dstenger>bye
(12:15) <StephanR>bye
(12:15) <tfr42>bye
(12:20) - copierrj quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
(12:21) - dstenger quit (Quit: Page closed)