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tmc meeting minutes 20220824
Torsten Friebe edited this page Sep 7, 2022
1 revision
17:02:19 - julianzz[m]: Hello
17:06:44 - julianzz[m]: Could we please discuss the usage of configVersion in deegree 3.5? Right now, some code examples include it and others don´t. Furthermore the updated documentation states that it is optional, even while it has no usage anymore. Because of this I suggest that we just get rid of it entirely and redo the updates regarding it on the documentation.
17:48:14 - tfr42: Hello and welcome to our tmc meeting
17:52:06 - StephanR: Hi
17:52:09 - tfr42: Hi
17:52:15 - tfr42: Hi there, we are at the FOSS4G conference in Florence. You can meet us there.
17:52:25 - tfr42: Today we meet in person at the FOSS4G conference in room Bevedere. Top floor in the conference building
17:52:48 - tfr42: We will have short wrap up what needs to be discussed.
17:53:32 - tfr42: First we will talk about https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1365
17:57:18 - julianzz[m]: Hi
17:57:27 - julianzz[m]: did you see my message?
17:59:46 - stenger [~stenger@2a0a-a545-367d-0-c9a8-211a-6eb4-8a34.ipv6dyn.netcologne.de] hat den Raum betreten.
17:59:49 - stenger: Hi
18:07:36 - StephanR: Hi, yes we have seen it
18:09:49 - julianzz[m]: OK, thanks
18:12:09 - stenger: Is it possible to participate online as well?
18:13:36 - julianzz[m]: I will leave the chat
18:14:02 - StephanR: Currently only by chat, as we are using a shared room
18:16:00 - tfr42: OK, we can open video channel if you like
18:17:03 - tfr42: https://meet.google.com/nxc-wkde-rzi?pli=1
18:17:43 - tfr42: will you join?
18:18:07 - tfr42: we are here
18:23:54 - tfr42: The proposal is as follows for the announcement about the End of Life (EOL🙁
18:23:54 - tfr42: With the release of version 3.5 we will end providing regular releases for the 3.4 line. Releases from the `3.4-main` branch are highly unlikely, and only security related issues might be fixed and a bug fix version provided.
18:24:04 - StephanR: +1
18:24:16 - tfr42: +1 (for TF)
18:24:28 - tfr42: +1 (for RC)
18:24:49 - stenger: +1
18:25:03 - tfr42: The issue has been updated: https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1365#issuecomment-1225953628
18:26:48 - tfr42: Next topic: a T-Shirt for deegree project
18:27:01 - tfr42: which color shall we use?
18:27:18 - tfr42: I do prefer black or blue (dark colors)
18:27:35 - tfr42: with the OSGeo and deegree logo
18:27:42 - StephanR: For visibility on conferences a bright color would be a good choice
18:29:03 - tfr42: Reijer prefers orange for the T-Shirt with black text and logo
18:29:50 - stenger: I prefer any color for t-shirt with a simple deegree logo on it.
18:30:37 - stenger: https://www.redbubble.com/de/i/t-shirt/FOSS4G-2021-Buenos-Aires-von-osgeo/83239188.1482B.XYZ
18:30:56 - StephanR: It may be a good choice to also choose additional colors
18:33:46 - StephanR: I like the idea to use a template in a shop
18:33:49 - StephanR: +1
18:33:56 - stenger: +1
At 18:34 we had to leave the room and we finished the meeting while going to the FOSS4G ice breaker event. Then we decided to meet on Wednesday 2022-09-07, 17:00 - 18:00 CEST.