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tmc meeting minutes 20230823
(17:01) - https://www.deegree.org (#deegree)
(17:01) <tfr42>Hi
(17:01) - stenger joined
(17:01) <stenger>Hi
(17:01) <StephanR>Hi
(17:01) - copierrj joined
(17:01) <copierrj>hi
(17:01) <StephanR>Hi
(17:02) <StephanR>https://meet.google.com/xaa-rafd-vfb
(17:05) <torfri>Welcome to our meeting
(17:05) <torfri>Chat log from last TMC meeting https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/wiki/tmc-meeting-minutes-20230809
(17:06) <torfri>Are there any open tasks from last meeting?
(17:08) <stenger>Status of https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1207
(17:08) <log-bot>deegree3#1207 NOT-MERGEABLE Fix SVG rendering issues [bug,invalid,needs rebase,CI failing,WMS]
(17:08) <log-bot>deegree3#1207 dstenger wants to merge 56 commits (196 files) from lat-lon:bugfix/dee-364-svg-rendering-289-7692
(17:08) <log-bot>deegree3#1207 build error at 2022-09-07 18:18 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1207/77/display/redirect
(17:08) <torfri>Updated issue https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1536
(17:08) <log-bot>deegree3#1536 WFS based on PostgreSQL creates corrupted Geometries [WFS]
(17:08) <log-bot>deegree3#1536 manuelkauder opened this issue on 2023-06-30 11:37 * updated 2023-08-23 05:21 * 2 comments
(17:09) <torfri>bugfix version 3.5.1 is published and
(17:09) <torfri>minor changes to website
(17:10) <torfri>PR
(17:11) <torfri>for deegree3 core and deegree OGC API
(17:13) <torfri>Anything else for today?
(17:14) <StephanR>Not from my side
(17:14) <torfri>Ok
(17:14) <torfri>Then let's start with the open questions regarding https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1207
(17:15) <stenger>Lets start with https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1207
(17:15) <torfri>Still open is, if this PR is fully replaced by others.
(17:18) <torfri>Since the PR contains a lot of different aspects it is hard to identify the missing part (which is still not be integrated into the code base)
(17:21) <torfri>Next step is to identify the commits which are relevant
(17:23) <torfri>The PR should be replaced by a fresh PR based on the current main branch.
(17:24) <torfri>So, let's create an issue which describes the steps to be done and then close the PR #1207.
(17:26) <torfri>Volunteers are welcome
(17:26) <StephanR>From my point of view, the original functionality is still relevant but needs to reworked as the targeting code has evolved a lot.
(17:27) <torfri>May be a task for our next code sprint
(17:31) <torfri>Next topic: Issue https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1536
(17:31) <log-bot>deegree3#1536 WFS based on PostgreSQL creates corrupted Geometries [WFS]
(17:31) <log-bot>deegree3#1536 manuelkauder opened this issue on 2023-06-30 11:37 * updated 2023-08-23 05:21 * 2 comments
(17:31) <stenger>Text for PR 1207: This pull request contains content which might still be relevant. However, the code base of the pull request is outdated and thus a complete re-work is necessary. The pull request shall be replaced by an issue describing the requirements for the re-worked pull request. After the issue will have been created, this PR can be closed.
(17:32) <StephanR>looks good to me
(17:33) <torfri>+1
(17:34) <torfri>Answer is given as a comment in issue #1536
(17:35) <torfri>+1
(17:35) <torfri>Next topic: Bugfix 3.5.1
(17:36) <torfri>https://www.deegree.org/download/
(17:39) <torfri>With release of 3.5.1 and 3.4.34 the docker image tags are now on the latest image either "3.5" or "3.4" (previous it was "v3.4.34" for example)
(17:40) <copierrj>+1
(17:40) <stenger>+1
(17:43) <torfri>The menue for "Community" has been extended with some links , like License, Wiki, EoL Wiki and others
(17:43) <torfri>Slaso the OGC badge is back
(17:44) <torfri>The twitter integration has been removed without replaced
(17:44) <copierrj>great work
(17:45) <torfri>Let's continue with PR for deegree3 repo
(17:46) <torfri>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1563
(17:46) <log-bot>deegree3#1563 Upgrade of maven plugins for surefire, failsafe, war, release to latest bugfix version [enhancement,dependencies,CI and build]
(17:46) <log-bot>deegree3#1563 tfr42 wants to merge 1 commits (2 files) from lat-lon:upgradeMavenPlugins-1464
(17:46) <log-bot>deegree3#1563 build success at 2023-08-23 13:33 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1563/1/display/redirect
(17:46) <copierrj>+1
(17:46) <torfri>+1
(17:47) <StephanR>+1
(17:47) <stenger>+1
(17:47) <StephanR>merged
(17:48) <torfri>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1564
(17:48) <log-bot>deegree3#1564 NOT-MERGEABLE Upgrade of dependencies of antlr, spring-boot, jaxb, jax-ws, junit, xmlunit to latest bugfix version [enhancement,dependencies]
(17:48) <log-bot>deegree3#1564 tfr42 wants to merge 1 commits (1 files) from lat-lon:upgradeDependencies-1464
(17:48) <log-bot>deegree3#1564 build success at 2023-08-23 13:33 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1564/1/display/redirect
(17:49) <copierrj>+1
(17:49) <stenger>+1
(17:49) <StephanR>+1
(17:49) <torfri>+1
(17:49) <StephanR>merged
(17:49) <torfri>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1565
(17:49) <log-bot>deegree3#1565 NOT-MERGEABLE Upgrade of Primefaces from 12.0 to 13.0 [enhancement,console,dependencies]
(17:49) <log-bot>deegree3#1565 tfr42 wants to merge 1 commits (1 files) from lat-lon:upgradePrimefaces-1464
(17:49) <log-bot>deegree3#1565 build success at 2023-08-23 15:27 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1565/1/display/redirect
(17:50) <copierrj>+1
(17:51) <stenger>+1
(17:52) <torfri>+1
(17:52) <StephanR>+1
(17:53) <StephanR>merged
(17:53) <torfri>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1547
(17:53) <log-bot>deegree3#1547 Fix invalid WMS metadata configuration for Utah workspace [bug,console,workspace]
(17:53) <log-bot>deegree3#1547 tfr42 wants to merge 1 commits (1 files) from tfr42:fix/brokenMetadataConfigUtahWorkspace
(17:53) <log-bot>deegree3#1547 build success at 2023-08-10 22:03 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1547/4/display/redirect
(17:54) <torfri>+1
(17:54) <StephanR>+1
(17:54) <stenger>+1
(17:54) <copierrj>+1
(17:54) <StephanR>merged
(17:55) <torfri>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1556
(17:55) <log-bot>deegree3#1556 Improved tests for GMLGeometryValidator handling left- and right-handed CRS (rebase of #1489) [enhancement,tests]
(17:55) <log-bot>deegree3#1556 stephanr wants to merge 2 commits (9 files) from gritGmbH:enhancement/improve-gmlgeometryvalidator
(17:55) <log-bot>deegree3#1556 build success at 2023-08-10 21:29 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1556/2/display/redirect
(17:55) <torfri>+1
(17:56) <StephanR>+1
(17:56) <stenger>+1
(17:56) <copierrj>+1
(17:56) <torfri>merged
(17:57) <copierrj>and for 3.4: https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1489
(17:57) <log-bot>deegree3#1489 Improved tests for GMLGeometryValidator handling left- and right-handed CRS [enhancement,tests]
(17:57) <log-bot>deegree3#1489 manuelaromero-guadaltel wants to merge 1 commits (9 files) from guadaltel:issue-1480
(17:57) <log-bot>deegree3#1489 build success at 2023-07-27 23:30 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1489/9/display/redirect
(17:57) <copierrj>+1
(17:57) <torfri>+1
(17:57) <StephanR>+1
(17:57) <stenger>+1
(17:57) <StephanR>merged
(18:02) <torfri>We will give some feedback on PR #1562 which is in draft mode
(18:03) <torfri>The jaxws-rt dependencies can be removed when using JDK 11.
(18:03) <torfri>may bey
(18:03) <torfri>maybe
(18:04) <torfri>I do have a PR for deegree OGC API
(18:04) <torfri>https://github.com/deegree/deegree-ogcapi/pull/103
(18:04) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#103 Upgrade dependencies to latest bugfix version [enhancement,dependencies]
(18:04) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#103 tfr42 wants to merge 2 commits (1 files) from lat-lon:upgradeDependencies
(18:04) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#103 build success at 2023-08-09 22:19 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/ogcapi-pr/job/PR-103/6/display/redirect
(18:04) <torfri>+1
(18:05) <copierrj>+1
(18:05) <StephanR>+1
(18:05) <stenger>+1
(18:05) <StephanR>merged
(18:05) <copierrj>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1550
(18:05) <log-bot>deegree3#1550 Use targed gml namespace if boundedBy/geometry is in gml namespace [bug,WFS]
(18:05) <log-bot>deegree3#1550 dstenger wants to merge 1 commits (2 files) from lat-lon:fixUnboundGmlNamespace-1548
(18:05) <log-bot>deegree3#1550 build success at 2023-08-17 22:57 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1550/5/display/redirect
(18:14) <torfri>What about building bugfix version 3.5.2?
(18:14) <copierrj>+1
(18:14) <StephanR>0
(18:14) <stenger>+1
(18:15) <StephanR>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1549
(18:15) <log-bot>deegree3#1549 Re-activate GitHub actions [enhancement,CI and build]
(18:15) <log-bot>deegree3#1549 tfr42 wants to merge 2 commits (1 files) from deegree:tfr42-patch-1
(18:15) <log-bot>deegree3#1549 build success at 2023-08-10 21:52 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1549/5/display/redirect
(18:17) <torfri>postponed
(18:17) <torfri>The PR will require some rework
(18:17) <torfri>Next meeting
(18:18) <copierrj>6th of September 17:00h - 18:00h CET
(18:18) <torfri>+1
(18:18) <copierrj>+1
(18:18) <StephanR>-1 (will be on vacation)
(18:18) <torfri>Thanks
(18:19) <torfri>bye