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tmc meeting minutes 20230726
(17:00) <StephanR>Hi
(17:00) <tfr>Hi
(17:01) <julianzz[m]>hi
(17:01) <StephanR>https://meet.google.com/qgv-djuf-bwp
(17:05) <tfr>Ok, what is on our agenda for today?
(17:05) <StephanR>Chatlog from last meeting https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/wiki/tmc-meeting-minutes-20230712
(17:05) <tfr>Any open actions from last meeting?
(17:07) <tfr>- Release 3.5.0 - last open task
(17:07) <stenger>Release 3.4.34
(17:07) <tfr>- anouncement to the community
(17:08) <tfr>- changes infrastructure / Open PR
(17:08) <tfr>- preparing bugfix release 3.5.1
(17:09) <tfr>Anything else?
(17:09) <stenger>open issues/PRs
(17:09) <tfr>OK, then let's start
(17:09) <tfr>Release 3.5.0
(17:12) - log-bot joined
(17:13) <tfr>the Release has been built and published on July 12
(17:13) <tfr>Open tasks are listed in https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1120#issuecomment-1635664291
(17:13) <log-bot>deegree3#1120 Preparing next release version (deegree web services 3.5) [TMC discussion,website,wiki]
(17:13) <log-bot>deegree3#1120 tfr42 opened this issue on 2021-01-28 16:08 * updated 2023-07-25 07:55 * 6 comments
(17:17) <tfr>The docker image is build by docker actions https://github.com/deegree/deegree3-docker/actions
(17:18) <tfr>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3-docker/blob/main/.github/workflows/docker-image.yaml
(17:23) - stenger quit (Quit: Client closed)
(17:24) - stenger joined
(17:25) <tfr>I do propose to drop the tagging in the deegree/deegree3-docker repository.
(17:26) <stenger>+1
(17:26) <StephanR>+1
(17:28) <tfr>+1
(17:30) <tfr>Ok good. I will update the releasing deegree wiki page
(17:30) <StephanR>great
(17:31) <tfr>Second optimization of the docker image build and release process
(17:31) <tfr>I do propose to drop the release tag in the deegree/deegree3-docker/ repo
(17:31) <stenger>+1
(17:32) <StephanR>+1
(17:33) <tfr>+1
(17:35) <tfr>Ok, thanks. I will update the wiki page.
(17:35) <tfr>Regarding the page https://www.deegree.org/download/ there are some minor changes
(17:36) <tfr>Please review and agree/disagree.
(17:38) <stenger>+1
(17:38) <StephanR>+1
(17:38) <tfr>+1
(17:39) <tfr>Last check regarding the EOL as documented in https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/wiki/End-of-Life-and-Support-Matrix
(17:40) <julianzz[m]>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1551
(17:40) <log-bot>deegree3#1551 Adjust example configuration for the service metadata [enhancement,easy]
(17:40) <log-bot>deegree3#1551 julianzz98 opened this issue on 2023-07-26 15:34 * updated 2023-07-26 15:34 * 0 comments
(17:40) <julianzz[m]>created a issue regarding the metadata example template
(17:41) <tfr>I do propose to change the EOL for 3.4 to the 2023-10-26
(17:41) <stenger>+1
(17:42) <StephanR>+1
(17:42) <tfr>+1
(17:44) <julianzz[m]>+1
(17:44) <tfr>Ok, wiki page is updated
(17:45) <tfr>The email will be send out today.
(17:46) <tfr>Next topic
(17:46) <tfr>anouncement to the community
(17:54) <julianzz[m]>An image template for the release will be provided
(17:54) <julianzz[m]>which should accompany the official release messages on the social channels
(17:54) <stenger>+1
(17:54) <tfr>+1
(17:54) <StephanR>+1
(17:56) <tfr>Please add the image to the repo as described in https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/wiki/Marketing
(17:58) <tfr>Next topic
(17:59) <tfr>changes infrastructure / Open PR
(17:59) - jzilz joined
(17:59) <jzilz>+1
(17:59) <tfr>Required upgrades of Nexus and Jenkins are provided as PR
(18:00) <tfr>For Nexus upgrade to 3.57.1
(18:00) <tfr>https://github.com/deegree/infrastructure/pull/78
(18:02) <stenger>+1
(18:03) <StephanR>+1
(18:03) <jzilz>+1
(18:03) <tfr>+1
(18:03) <StephanR>merged
(18:04) <tfr>Upgrade Jenkins to v2.401.2
(18:04) <tfr>https://github.com/deegree/infrastructure/pull/79
(18:04) <tfr>+1
(18:04) <jzilz>+1
(18:05) <stenger>+1
(18:05) <StephanR>+1
(18:05) <StephanR>merged
(18:08) <StephanR>containers are updating on central
(18:09) <StephanR>jenkins is up again
(18:09) <tfr>cool
(18:09) <jzilz>Issue for upgrading the deegree demos was created: https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1552
(18:09) <log-bot>deegree3#1552 Upgrade deegree demos to deegree version 3.5 [website]
(18:09) <log-bot>deegree3#1552 julianzz98 opened this issue on 2023-07-26 16:09 * updated 2023-07-26 16:09 * 0 comments
(18:12) <tfr>Please note my changes
(18:13) <tfr>in https://github.com/deegree/infrastructure/issues/77
(18:13) <jzilz>+1
(18:14) <stenger>+1
(18:16) <tfr>The jenkins plugins have been updated
(18:16) <tfr>The server is re-starting....
(18:16) <stenger>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/1548
(18:16) <log-bot>deegree3#1548 WFS 1.1.0 GetFeature Request fails with BLOB Mode [bug,WFS]
(18:16) <log-bot>deegree3#1548 lgoltz opened this issue on 2023-07-24 19:59 * updated 2023-07-26 11:20 * 0 comments
(18:21) <stenger>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/pull/1550
(18:21) <log-bot>deegree3#1550 Use targed gml namespace if boundedBy/geometry is in gml namespace [bug,WFS]
(18:21) <log-bot>deegree3#1550 dstenger wants to merge 1 commits (2 files) from lat-lon:fixUnboundGmlNamespace-1548
(18:21) <log-bot>deegree3#1550 build error at 2023-07-26 13:19 see https://buildserver.deegree.org/job/pull-request/job/PR-1550/1/display/redirect
(18:23) <tfr>The CI build failed. The reason is the issue #77 we just talked about.
(18:24) <tfr>To get the job back to green. The password for the nexus user needs an update. I will take action.
(18:24) <tfr>I do propose to put the PR #1550 on milestone 3.5.1
(18:34) <tfr>+1
(18:34) <StephanR>+1
(18:34) <stenger>+1
(18:34) <jzilz>+1
(18:35) <tfr>What about to prepare a back-port for 3.4?
(18:42) <tfr>0
(18:42) <stenger>-1
(18:43) <StephanR>0 (up until there is demand for that)
(18:44) <jzilz>-1
(18:48) <tfr>Next meeting 2023-08-09
(18:49) <StephanR>+1
(18:49) <stenger>+1
(18:49) <jzilz>+1
(18:49) <tfr>Ok, thanks! Talk to you soon!
(18:50) <StephanR>Talk to you in two weeks
(18:51) <stenger>Bye