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tmc meeting minutes 20180525
(10:54) - Sie sind nun in #deegree
(10:54) - Topic: Welcome to deegree, an OSGeo project. Visit the main project page at http://deegree.org and our wiki at http://wiki.deegree.org with lots of extra info. Check out a running system at http://demo.deegree.org and follow us on twitter @deegree_org.
(10:54) - Das Topic wurde von jmays am 10.11.2010 um 16:03:31 Uhr gesetzt
(10:57) - dstenger joined
(11:00) <dstenger>Hi
(11:00) - tfr42 joined
(11:00) <tfr42>hi!
(11:01) <dstenger>https://hangouts.google.com/call/AnyDZWzfK3ea7n0tb-giAAEI
(11:06) <StephanR>Hi
(11:12) <ndrs>Hi (Andreas here)
(11:14) <dstenger>http://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/GettingInvolved#IRC_Channel
(11:14) <dstenger>Hi
(11:14) <tfr42>hi
(11:14) <StephanR>Hi
(11:14) <tfr42>Hi @ndrs
(11:15) <dstenger>http://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/GettingInvolved.html#IRC_Channel
(11:15) <StephanR>http://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/GettingInvolved.html
(11:16) <tfr42>https://deegree.org/community
(11:16) - copierrj joined
(11:16) <tfr42>under IRC channel
(11:16) <copierrj>hi
(11:17) <StephanR>hi
(11:17) <dstenger>Voice channel for meeting: https://hangouts.google.com/call/AnyDZWzfK3ea7n0tb-giAAEI
(11:18) <ndrs>unfortunately I can't join you on voice due to the lack of a microphone
(11:18) <tfr42>ok
(11:19) <tfr42>we start with the last activities to update the infrastructure https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/851
(11:20) <tfr42>last week we archived the old moin moin wiki and de-installed the software
(11:20) <tfr42>the old wiki is available http://wiki.deegree.org/deegreeWiki/
(11:21) <tfr42>the community page on the website has been updated with information about IRC and the link to the OSGeo project page
(11:21) <tfr42>https://deegree.org/community
(11:22) <tfr42>main open issues with the infrastructure is the website for deegree.org currently running on joomla!
(11:23) <tfr42>open discussion how to get rid of joomla!
(11:25) <tfr42>github pages is an option
(11:25) <tfr42>question is how to migrate the current website from joomla to github pages
(11:26) <tfr42>any ideas?
(11:32) <tfr42>conclusion from our discussion
(11:33) <tfr42>we will start with a simple web site on github pages
(11:33) <StephanR>I will have a look and try to create a prototype for a possible migrtion for the next TMC meeting
(11:34) <StephanR>There i will focus on simplicity and an light theme
(11:34) <tfr42>perfect! +1
(11:36) <tfr42>can you open a new issue for this activity please?
(11:36) <tfr42>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/851 is overloaded
(11:38) <tfr42>Last point about the infrastructure
(11:39) <tfr42>Release 3.4.0 final has been tested with recent OGC CITE tests on JDK 8.
(11:39) <dstenger>https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/851#issuecomment-389877079
(11:40) <tfr42>Findings about OpenJDK and Oracle JDK are documented here https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/905
(11:43) <tfr42>goal is to get 3.4.0 running on OpenJDK 8 as well
(11:43) <tfr42>root analysis needed
(11:46) <tfr42>proposal https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/905#issuecomment-392000897
(11:47) <tfr42>good idea to use a certified JDK instead of the debian OpenJDK package
(11:56) <copierrj>http://repos.azulsystems.com/
(11:59) <tfr42>Ok, we (tfr42 and dstenger) will install and re-run the CITE test for WMTS
(11:59) <tfr42>ok
(11:59) <tfr42>last imporant issue
(11:59) <tfr42>the announcement
(12:00) <tfr42>for the 3.4.0 release.
(12:00) <tfr42>The deegree development team is pleased to announce the final release 3.4.0 of deegree web services. Please note that deegree 3.3 is reaching end-of-life and there may be one more patch release later this year for it - if need. There are still some pending pull requests. We kindly remind all committers to support the TMC to get pull requests handled. If you have not upgraded to at least deegree 3.4, we encourage you to do so as soon
(12:00) <copierrj>+1
(12:02) <dstenger>+1
(12:03) <tfr42>ok
(12:03) <tfr42>the text is cropped
(12:03) <tfr42>sorry
(12:03) <tfr42>last sentence
(12:03) <tfr42>If you have not upgraded to deegree 3.4, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. The deegree 3.4.x line requires at least JDK 8 as a runtime environment. So, please be prepared to upgrade your environment soon!
(12:04) <copierrj>+1
(12:04) <StephanR>+1
(12:04) <tfr42>I will prepare then the announcement
(12:04) <tfr42>and post it to deegree mailing list and OSGeo list as well
(12:05) <copierrj>+1
(12:05) <dstenger>+1
(12:05) <StephanR>+1
(12:05) <tfr42>perfect
(12:05) <tfr42>Next meeting
(12:07) <tfr42>Friday 15th June 2018, 11-12 CEST
(12:07) <copierrj>+1
(12:09) <tfr42>next time https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/issues/903
(12:09) <tfr42>please have a look and comment
(12:09) <StephanR>+1 (next meeting)
(12:09) <tfr42>+1